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  • Bearing Through

    June 02, 2010

    Bearing Through

    For as long as I can remember, I wanted to play soccer for Baylor University. We moved to Waco, Texas, when I was in sixth grade, but I had heard stories of the Green and Gold’s glory way before then.

  • Hog Heaven

    June 02, 2010

    Hog Heaven

    Zack Cox couldn’t take it anymore. Frustration was flying at him from all directions like 90-mph fastballs from a pitching machine gone berserk. The game he loved felt more and more like a prison sentence. So he did what any athlete would do. He found a bathroom and broke down.

  • Mastering the Game

    June 01, 2010

    Mastering the Game

    PGA Tour pro Zach Johnson is a self-proclaimed sports enthusiast. And, as a Christian, he readily admits that his favorite story is one where sports and Scripture collide: David versus Goliath. At the mere mention of the biblical battle, Johnson sees flashes of a small shepherd boy with a sling and stones overtaking a Philistine giant. Immediately he is inspired.

  • Possess Nothing

    June 01, 2010

    Have you ever walked into a Sam’s Club or Costco and, all of a sudden, something comes over you? It’s like you are magnetically pulled to these beautiful rectangular boxes with vibrant colors showing on them that make the pictures look almost real. You are drawn closer and closer, and down deep inside you, the feeling arises that one of these things needs to be yours. OK, maybe it’s a guy thing, but the innate desire for earthly possessions can consume us from time to time. The gifts in our lives can overtake us if we’re not careful.

  • My Sheild (3 of 3)

    May 31, 2010


    In the previous devo "My Strength" I talked about how the dog (enemy) came out of nowhere at an angle and speed in which Abbie only had a few split seconds to react to the attacking dog. Ephesians 6:16 talks about “taking the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.” But a shield is only as effective as the soldier who is trained properly to use it. And even the greatest skilled soldier after numerous years of training and preparation can still be struck by the enemy’s flaming arrows if it is shot by a highly skilled enemy just like Abbie was attacked by the dog.

  • My Strength (2 of 3)

    May 31, 2010


    In the previous devo "My Stronghold" I spoke about how Abbie overcame her fear of the dog’s (the enemy’s) ankle biting and harsh bark and stopped taking the ‘scenic route’ by deciding one day to charge directly toward the enemy.

  • My Stronghold (1 of 3)

    May 31, 2010

    My Stronghold (1 of 3)

    There is a nice country dirt road loop in which my chocolate lab Abbie and I run to do our training runs that is just over a mile long.  Along this route we also have a few homes and dogs that are usually friendly and don’t bother us, but there is one particular home that has a dog and for whatever reason doesn’t particularly like Abbie.

  • 2-Handed Ro-sham-bo

    May 28, 2010


    Standard rock-paper-scissors. Except with 2 hands.

    Everyone is in a circle. Your right hand plays against another person's left hand. Your left hand plays against another person's right hand.

    If one of your hands loses, it's okay, because that hand is still in the game. You only get eliminated if both your hands lose.

    Physical Activity Level: 
    Group Size: 

  • Banding Together

    May 28, 2010


    In my four years of college basketball, one particular weekend stood out to me more than any other. My teammates and I traveled down to Cookson Hills, OK, in the school’s two vans and loaded our luggage into the house where we would be staying. When we got there, however, we realized that the family we would be staying with had been stricken with the flu. We had no choice but to stay there, as other families already had teams they were housing.

  • Zach Johnson

    May 28, 2010


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