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  • Spiritual Muscles

    June 11, 2009


    It seems like only yesterday that I was in my high school weight room pumping weights with the music cranked.
    I have no doubt that the thousands of hours I spent in the weight room as a high school, college, and professional
    athlete paid off. As a young man I wanted not only to get big, but also to excel in my sport. Lifting weights built
    me up and strengthened me to be the best athlete I could. The muscle that I added helped me perform better and
    kept me from injury. Too bad my mom didn’t like the fact that my clothes weren’t fitting anymore.
    Paul wrote that we need to be “rooted and built up” in Christ. The Lord desires for us to develop spiritual

  • Spiritual Shifts

    July 19, 2012


    Most mornings, I start the day with a nice, long bike ride. I usually go anywhere from 25 to 30-plus miles. My knees are shot from years of playing sports, so cycling is my workout of choice. I enjoy biking on the winding, narrow country roads in southern New Hampshire, and my daily ride always leads me to the same place.

    The saying goes that “all roads lead to Rome,” but, for me, all roads lead up the Route 13 hill going into Mont Vernon. This hill is over a mile long and has a couple very steep spots on the ride up. Most mornings, I tackle “Hill-Zilla” (as in Godzilla) twice a bike ride, and I throw another mile-long hill in between. Like I said, I really enjoy cycling and, after taking a few too many hockey pucks to the head, I find cycling up big hills to be fun.

  • Spiritual Twinkies

    June 13, 2007

    Athletes today need the best foods to nourish their bodies for maximum performance, but every once in awhile we all eat an unhealthy snack. One of America's favorites is the dreaded Twinkie. Did you know that more than 500 million Twinkies are sold each year? That's a lot of cream filling! Now, an occasional Twinkie is not entirely bad for you, but many times, one is not enough. You continue to go back for more and more until you can't stop eating them. Most people have enough self-control to stop, but some cannot. This is a problem for many Americans.

  • Sports Drinks

    August 13, 2013


    Athletes today have an overwhelming amount of choices in what to drink while they work out. Sports drinks come in multiple brands, colors, and flavors. Water isn’t just water, now it has vitamins, minerals, and other benefits. Hardly anyone drinks plain water because sports drinks are advertised as a way to get an edge on the competition before, during, and after a workout or game.

    Water was important to the people of the Old Testament. It was a daily struggle to go to the well and get enough water to cook, clean, drink, and bathe. A refreshing underground spring was a valuable resource. Many had to settle for a “cistern,” which was a hole dug in a rock to catch rainwater.

  • Sports Is Not Your God

    October 06, 2010


    It’s interesting how we can take just about anything in life and use it for good or evil. James 3 illustrates how fire can be good or evil. It only takes a small spark to set a forest on fire and yet what is more soothing on a cold winter night than sitting before a crackling fire that radiates a comforting heat? Is fire good or evil?

  • Sports Liar

    March 01, 2011


    In sports, there exist two liars of the highest order. They lie to competitors of every level from novices to high achievers, the obscure to the famous. These liars are fluent in every language and are skilled in deceiving without awakening the conscience. They both whisper and shout with equal effectiveness, and they never tire, take a day off, or worry about being caught.

  • Spotlight

    October 02, 2008


    I would not be telling the truth if I said I didn’t crave the spotlight when I was playing football. I thought my big problem was that I was an offensive lineman. I don’t want to upset any running backs with this next statement, but those little fellars always got the spotlight! In my entire career I only gave one interview.

  • Spotting Counterfeits

    December 23, 2010


    Several years ago, I was given a North Face-brand fleece and coat as a Christmas gift. Most people are familiar with the North Face brand and know that it’s top-of-the-line and made to last a lifetime. In fact, the company backs up its products with a guarantee to make repairs or replace the item at no cost.

  • Spreadin' the News

    January 19, 2010


    Hockey Chat:  2008-2009 season marked the first time in the 82 year franchise history that every game of the Chicago Blackhawks was televised.  This moved was a big change from the “blackout” ruling that had been in place from earlier ownership.  With the new ability to watch the games came a great interest in the sport making the Hawks games the highest attended of any hockey venue for the entire season.

  • Sprint Ahead

    April 09, 2007

    In our daily lives and our athletic venues we face many giants. Maybe it is an opposing team that you are playing, and the critics give you no chance of competing with the "giants," much less beating them. Or maybe it is your job, your finaces, your past or even raising your kids. Regardless, the giants in our lives are there to do one thing: intimidate us and steal the hope that God has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
    David told Saul in 1 Samuel 17:32, "Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine." But still, many people ran from the giant, Goliath. It says in 1 Samuel 17:24, "When they saw the man they all ran from him in great fear."

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