“A little yeast leavens the whole lump of dough.” – Galatians 5:9
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Fit4Ever: Just One Word!
I absolutely love the New Year! If the previous year was long and difficult, the New Year provides a fresh start and a clean slate. If it was exciting and fulfilling, it brings an expectation of great opportunities to come. Either way, the possibilities and potential are energizing.
Fit4Ever: Life-Changers
No life-changing adversity or blessing can separate us from the love of Christ. We can be more than conquerors through Him. Neither our present circumstances nor even things that are on the way can change His love for us—not the mountaintop of success and favor nor the valley of adversity and disappointment. God is there in the midst of all our life-changing moments.
Fit4Ever: Live a Fit Life
“…Take your everyday, ordinary life... And place it before God as an offering... Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out…” – Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)
Fit4Ever: Living a Fit Life
Last month I had a conversation with FCA President Les Steckel, who posed the following hypothetical situation.
“Jimmy,” he said, “what if I handed you the keys to a brand new car when you turned 16? How would you feel? And what if I then told you that it was the only car you would ever own and that it would have to last your entire life? Would that change the way you treated it? I bet it would. I believe it would radically change the way you took care of that car.”
Fit4Ever: Make A Health Comeback
Every comeback starts with a single play and then grows with momentum and belief. Start your health comeback today!
Fit4Ever: Move Those Chains
“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” — Proverbs 6:6-8 (NIV)
“Inconsistency is the only thing in which men are consistent.” — Horace Smith
Consistency leads to continuous forward progress. It’s defined by being steady, reliable and persistent. Inconsistency, on the other hand, is the enemy of excellence. It takes shortcuts and makes excuses. It results in a lack of progress and improvement. One step forward, two steps back. For many, this defines their health journey.
Fit4Ever: One Thing
I’ve heard it said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Well, I don’t know about you, but I can definitely identify with that. It’s like we know we’ve taken a wrong turn or are on the wrong road, but we keep going anyway. And, worse yet, we somehow think that we’ll still get to our destination. -
Fit4Ever: Reckless Living
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a role model as an admired person who inspires others to copy his or her behavior. Based on this definition, there is no question that athletes, especially in America’s sports-crazy culture, are role models. Unfortunately, those who look up to an athlete for his performance on the field don’t just imitate what he does in his profession. The watching eyes are often influenced to imitate the athlete’s off-the-field behavior, too—in words, clothes, actions, and attitude.
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