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  • A Redskin's Resilience

    January 01, 2011

    A Redskin's Resilience

    This was not good.

    Training camp was less than a month away, and Reed Doughty’s right hand resembled one of those oversized “We’re No. 1” foam fingers.

    Last June, the Washington Redskins’ safety arrived as the keynote speaker at the Metro Maryland FCA Power Camp in Gaithersburg, Md., with a heavily bandaged hand that kept his index finger perpetually extended. A day earlier while weightlifting, he had pinched his finger between two dumbbells.

  • A Royal Risk

    May 19, 2009

    A Royal Risk

    There is a place where a person can go when life gets complicated — a place where he can feel completely at ease and safe from the big, bad world. It is a wonderful place where one feels at home not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Life is easy there. Life is good.

    That place is called Comfort Zone. Yet, in spite of its welcoming title, it’s often located at the address of 1000 MissedBlessingsAndOpportunities Dr., in the city of Half-Lived, Life.

    Dayton Moore remembers his comfort zone.

  • A Season of Strength

    May 05, 2009

    A Season of Strength

    When Rick Comegy took over as the head football coach at Jackson State University in 2006, he had no idea the challenges that lay ahead. But, after more than 30 years in the coaching profession, this veteran of many sidelines did know one thing: It would take commitment and faith.

  • A Servant’s Heart

    September 26, 2010


    Jesus chose to serve His disciples and followers rather than to be served. He displayed an example for them to follow and called them to a purpose beyond themselves. Servant leadership can be defined as guiding and directing through submission and acknowledging the value of others. A coach holds a position to lead and has an opportunity to teach players, through example, what it means to serve like Christ.

  • A Team Needs at Least Two

    January 03, 2010


    My oldest daughter, Stephanie, graduated from Millard North High School in May 2004. Just a few weeks later, on June 16, 2004, she was a passenger in a car that ran into a tree, and instantly she was taken to be with the Lord. Stephanie was never interested in sports like our other two children, Jacob and Abby, but she did understand that to have a team, you need at least two. She wrote the following poem, "A Team Needs at Least Two,” about a year before she died.

  • A Victorious Life

    September 10, 2013


    Whenever I have an upcoming race, especially a marathon, I spend a lot of time training. People often ask me, "Where do you find the time?" But I think the real question on their minds is, "Why are you CHOOSING to spend your time doing that?"

    When I began running marathons in 2009 my life and my pursuits were out of balance. I knew the training process would instill characteristics such as discipline, accountability and goal-setting. What I later realized was that running would also allow me plenty of time alone with my thoughts and time alone with God. Now I no longer have to justify my reason for doing marathons. People realize it has changed me for the better. 

  • A Warrior's Heart, Love & Passion!

    December 18, 2013

    Deer Valley Varsity Guard Aaron Meek created this poster to inspire his teammates and fellow athletes across the world to give back with passion and leadership! We are blessed to offer the poster as wallpaper through the FCA Resources website.

    Proceeds from the poster sales support Lets Make Moves and Heart Tools. Lets Make Moves is a lockdown leadership program founded and created with his two brothers Zach and Jordan and Jordan's wife Autumn. You can connect with Aaron through the Heart Tools and Lets Make Moves facebook pages! and

  • A Winning Recipe

    February 26, 2014


    I like to cook, and I like simple recipes. For example: open can; pour contents into pan; heat until hot; serve in bowl. Now that's my kind of recipe. Coach Lou Holtz gave the recipe of a winner when he said, "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Ability,motivation and attitude are all ingredients of a winner, and they cannot be omitted or substituted.

    Likewise, Peter gave us the recipe for effective Christian living. The two main ingredients the Lord provides are His power (2 Peter 1:3) and His promises (v. 4). As we mix His power and promises into our believing and living, He'll strengthen our ability, inspire our motivation and empower our attitude.

  • About

    February 19, 2009


    The FCA Resource website is maintained and operated by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a 5013(c) non-profit Christian Sports Ministry.

    FCA is touching millions of lives... one heart at a time. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.

    For more information about our organization, visit

  • Accountability

    June 02, 2008



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