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  • Two Truths and a Lie

    November 16, 2009


    Two Truths and a Lie is the classic icebreaker game in which one attempts to identify which of the three statements is bogus.

    Have everyone sit in a circle.  Each person prepares three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one which is a lie.  In any order, the person shares the three statements to the entire group.  The object of the game is to figure out which statement is a lie.  The rest of the group votes on each statement, and the person reveals which one is the lie.

    Physical Activity Level: 
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  • Two-Way Street (Teamwork - Chapter 8)

    January 01, 2009


    Jo Ellen Hornish has a love-hate relationship with auto racing. She’s been a huge fan of racing since her teenage years. It’s the part where her son Sam Hornish Jr. drives in one of those cars at speeds of 180 to 200miles per hour that she’s not crazy about. “She would have much rather I become a pastor,” Hornish Jr. says. “I’m pretty sure of that. There’s never been a time where she’s said, ‘Man, I’m glad he’s a racecar driver.’ But she knows that it makes me happy.”

  • Tyler Zeller

    March 01, 2012

  • Tynesha Lewis

    August 01, 2005


  • Ultimate Trust

    July 16, 2012


    Baltimore Orioles’ second baseman and leadoff hitter Brian Roberts knows what it means to trust the Lord amidst injury and trials. The 12-year Major League Baseball veteran has spent the last year battling through a myriad of injuries making him dig deep with his faith and trust the Lord with the results.

    When asked what God has taught him through his experience battling injury, he explained how it has produced spiritual growth and ultimate trust in the Lord, “If we never went through trials we would never grow. If I just hit .300 every year and everything went smooth, I wouldn’t ever grow in my faith. I would never have to rely on Him or trust in Him for everything.”

  • Unashamed

    June 10, 2009

    When someone is on a team they usually wear team shirts, use team gear and do team cheers. They like to represent their team and let others know that they're part of it.
    As Christians, Jesus calls us to let our "light shine before men" rather than hiding His light under a shade and covering it. This doesn’t mean that we have to forcefully demand that someone become a Christian or go around telling people they're doing wrong all the time, but we should show Christ with our lives. We should live unashamed of being a Christian and never try to cover up the fact that we are followers of Jesus Christ.

  • Unashamed Suffering

    October 02, 2007


    Wisdom for a Young Head Coach
    Week 17

    II Timothy 1:8-12

    Discussion Questions:

  • Unaware

    November 11, 2009


    Glory – it is such a simple word. It is what all of us play the game for. We want the glory associated with being an athlete. We want to be recognized for our skill. Who doesn’t want to win a championship this year? How many times have you put your goals for the season down and listed “To NOT be remembered”?

    At first glance, we have it all messed up. We should not want to get the entire spotlight. We should want to be a team player. We should not want to be so focused that we “win at all costs.” It’s in the nature of a competitor to “go for it.” Shouldn’t we want to be that focused?

  • Unconditional Respect

    January 02, 2014


    During a losing season or bad game, it’s easy to give up on each other. When a teammate breaks team rules, the question arises: Can we count on this player whose conduct or performance is below our team’s standards? When we blow it, will our teammates give up on us?

    Peter made a lot of mistakes. He made claims he could not back up; did things without thinking of the consequences; talked when he should have listened; and lied, cried, and almost died because of his immaturity. But Jesus never gave up on him, and he became a world-changer.

  • Under Further Review

    November 11, 2013


    The game is on the line; the next play can make or break the outcome. The quarterback drops back in the pocket and throws deep into the end zone. Many players jump for the ball, but the receiver comes down with it right by the line. Did he have his foot down in bounds? The line judge signals touchdown, but before the extra point is kicked, the referee waves his arms and says, "The previous play is under further review." Off he goes to find out what the decision will be.

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