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Article Archive - March 2010

  • Bold and Beautiful

    March 01, 2010

    Bold and Beautiful

    Really, they were just beautiful women in dresses. But the fact that they were basketball players seemed to make all the difference in the world. Last fall, when Florida State University launched its new women’s basketball Web site,, they sparked a blaze of unpredicted controversy. It seemed that the concept of women athletes in glamorous attire was a touchy subject. Radio shows received calls, FSU’s media relations phone lines lit up, and Head Coach Sue Semrau found herself facing and responding to tough questions about beauty, identity and femininity in sports.

  • Global Impact

    March 01, 2010

    Global Impact

    For the past 55 years, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been on a mission to spread the name of Christ in the athletic community. Its vision: “To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches.” It’s a quest the ministry has been pursuing with a Godbreathed success that has led to spiritual growth throughout the sports community. Yet, to this point, FCA has largely been focused on the United States. Last summer, those borders got a little bit wider.

  • Soil of the Subpar Season

    March 01, 2010


    On this day, you left nothing behind. Your sweat-soaked uniform provides the proof. As you stand alongside your teammates you can hear the sound of the exuberant crowd cheering. In time, your body will ache, but not now. Not just yet. It will be tomorrow before the cuts and bruises remind you of the painful, hard-fought game. For right now, posters wave and arms remain outstretched in celebration. These are the sights and sounds of victory. Unfortunately, they are not for you. Your supporters are silent and still; they are rocks among the waves of fans who have crashed the field to celebrate with the victors.

  • Fit4Ever: Win Today

    March 01, 2010

    Fit4Ever: Win Today

    In sports, as coaches and athletes, we know that we have to take one game at a time. When a game is over, win or lose, we have to put it behind us, learn what we can and move on. The same is true in all aspects of life. In Philippians 3, Paul tells us to forget the past and press on toward what is ahead. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus flat-out tells us, “Don’t worry about tomorrow.” From these two passages I believe we can take three important lessons—ones that will help us to walk in victory and “win” each day of our lives

  • Heart of a Coach: Joanne Boyle

    March 01, 2010

    Heart of a Coach: Joanne Boyle

    Selected Struggle: Striving

    Dictionary definition: “To struggle vigorously.”

    My definition: “To be consumed by angst. To not give everything to God and to worry constantly, feeling like the more you do, the more you are going to get done and achieve.”

  • Heart of an Athlete: Michael McConathy

    March 01, 2010

    Heart of an Athlete: Michael McConathy

    Selected Struggle: Worry

    Dictionary definition: “To feel uneasy or concerned about something; to be troubled.”

    My definition: “To torment oneself with anxieties or troubles.”

  • Home Stretch: Tyler Zeller

    March 01, 2010

    Home Stretch: Tyler Zeller

    Believe me, I realize how blessed my life has been. My parents are strong Christians who raised my brother and me to go to church every Sunday and develop a relationship with God. My brother, Luke, who played basketball at the University of Notre Dame, was very influential in my spiritual growth. We were both in small groups while in high school, and we learned a lot about the Lord during that time.

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