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  • Pure and Simple

    May 05, 2009


    Men, let's take a deep look inside our minds and hearts and ask ourselves this question: Am I living a pure life?


    Sure, we tell people we are living pure lives, going to church, doing our quiet times and attending Bible studies. That has to be the model of purity, right?


    But what if we asked ourselves a more pointed question — one focusing on an area that is so easy to hide: sexual purity.

  • Coming to America

    May 05, 2009

    Coming to America

    Adjusting to college is never easy. Experiencing life in a new town with new friends, freedoms and expectations. It can be overwhelming for the typical 18-year-old. But imagine adding "new continent" to the equation. Nothing is familiar. You are immersed in a culture of people who don't think, act or talk like you, and you are forced to try a new cuisine at each meal.


    That's the story of Elna de Villiers. One she has lived every day for the last four years.

  • The Master

    May 05, 2009

    The Master

    As a dynamite athlete growing up in Lake City, Fla., Pat Summerall would glance at the Bible from time to time, but it was really more of an afterthought than a priority. Other options were much more appealing.


    Years later, at the Betty Ford Center in 1992, as a struggling alcoholic whose drinking problems had damaged his relationships with his family and friends, the Bible was Summerall's only choice.

  • On a Mission

    May 05, 2009

    On a Mission

    The economic struggles of the United States strike Albert Pujols differently than most. After all, when you've grown up amid conditions far worse than what the average American considers difficult, it puts things in perspective. While the economic crash of the U.S. is indeed serious, if not critical, the reality remains that many countries are filled with citizens who have been battling for years to find a single daily meal.


    No, Pujols himself was never a starving child, but he wasn't wealthy. And the scenes he saw growing up in the Dominican Republic, where he lived before moving with his family to the U.S. at the age of 15, have fueled in him a passion for reaching those in need.

  • The Fear of Failure

    April 17, 2009


    Below are a couple of email responses I sent recently to a college baseball coach when he asked me, “Does the Bible have anything to say about failure?”


    I’ve been thinking through the issue of failure and the Biblical examples of it, they’re all over the place.

  • Going the Distance

    March 20, 2009

    Going the Distance

    You shouldn't need to consult an atlas to know that Las Vegas and Harrisonburg, Va., are pretty far apart. Not only are they separated by miles — 1,989 to be exact — but also by climate, terrain and, most notably, lifestyle.

    But God's power is not restricted by earthly distances. He gives each of us the ability to touch lives no matter what our location, especially in today's connected society. In the case of James Madison University basketball player Heiden Ratner, who hails from Vegas and attends college in Harrisonburg, there is one athlete influencing lives for Christ on both sides of the country. It is a calling he received neither in Vegas nor Virginia, but in a small town in northern Georgia called Lookout Mountain.

  • STV Hot Seat with Chris Kaman

    March 20, 2009

    STV Hot Seat with Chris Kaman

    What can you find out in seven minutes on the phone with Chris Kaman? Quite a bit, actually.

  • Center of Attention

    March 10, 2009

    Center of Attention

    Her name is often stretched across the headlines of sports pages around the nation: Courtney Paris, University of Oklahoma All-American. Of course, it’s hard not to talk about an athlete who frequently adds to her growing list of NCAA records, which already stood at an astonishing 16 at the beginning of her senior year.

    But unlike many egocentric players who drool at the mention of having their name in print, Paris remains unfazed. Yes, it comes with the territory, but to her it is “irrelevant.” She is too focused to get caught up in the hype surrounding achievements. She knows her most significant accomplishments won’t ever be listed in press clippings. Rather, they are humbly imprinted on the lives of those she influences.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Double Portion

    June 19, 2007

    Fit 4 Ever: Double Portion

    Last year I wrote an article about how portion sizes have grown significantly during the past 30 years. I mentioned that common foods like bagels, hamburgers, french fries, pizzas and steaks have doubled and sometimes tripled in size and number of calories. It seems that, like Elisha, we always want more. Yet, while Elisha sought more spiritual power so he could speak courageously to God’s people and lead them in God’s ways, we often seek bigger portions of food to satisfy our physical and even emotional hunger.

  • The Story Behind Fields of Faith

    June 05, 2006

    The Story Behind Fields of Faith

    It all started a few short years ago. I was frustrated by looking at the culture of the United States and its moral digression. I couldn’t help but think about my three kids who were about to become teenagers, and I was particularly struggling with the fact that we had so many great Christian resources in America — more than at any other time in history — and, yet, we still seemed to be losing the moral and spiritual battle. Everywhere my wife and I went, we were, as parents, always on the defense against the culture and the media. And anyone who knows anything about sports knows that if you’re always on defense, you’re not going to win. At some point you have to go on offense.

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