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  • Mind Over Batter

    May 19, 2009

    Mind Over Batter

    Cat Osterman had Callista Balko’s number: nine to be exact. Balko had been 0-9 in her previous career at-bats — nine straight Ks — when facing Texas’ three time national softball player of the year.

    “She threw my weakness — a drop ball,” said Balko, a junior at the University of Arizona. “I was trying to adjust anything to hit off that girl. I don’t think I even fouled off a pitch during those nine at bats. It was a frustrating time.”

  • Face of the Future

    May 19, 2009

    Face of the Future

    He can still feel it when it storms. The occasional tingling in the right side of his face whenever the thunder rolls through Atlanta. That’s where the 95 mph fastball smashed into his cheekbone as he was squaring around to bunt in what should have been his final at-bat for the Class-A Myrtle Beach Pelicans.

    Jeff Francoeur won’t forget that day.

  • The Boss

    May 19, 2009

    The Boss

    Sometimes, Terina Dutton still can’t believe the thing is actually sitting in the garage. But there it is, day after day, taking up space … a lot of space. And more often than not, it’s plugged into the wall, chugging electrical currents like a parched distance runner does water, just so it can function.

    With a white exterior, red interior, convertible top and boatish length, John Dutton’s 1969 Cadillac Coupe DeVille is quite a sight to behold. But the best part about it is its alleged history.

  • Call to Arms

    May 19, 2009


    Whether you realize it or not, you are a warrior — one enlisted in a great battle. As a Christian, the moment you pledged your allegiance to Jesus Christ and became a member of God’s Kingdom you became a sworn enemy of the devil and his armies of darkness. And every day, you wage war against those armies of evil. The question is, are you armed and ready?

  • The Wright Way

    May 19, 2009

    The Wright Way

    Standing tall at 6’ 7”, Adam Wainwright is an intimidating figure — something that certainly plays to his advantage as a Major League pitcher. But get him talking about his daughter, and you’d never know that the 25-year-old makes a living paralyzing big-league sluggers with his breaking curveball. In fact, when talking about little Baylie Grace, Wainwright barely resembles the man who struck out Detroit’s Brandon Inge for the final out of the 2006 World Series, giving the St. Louis Cardinals their first World Championship since 1982.

  • Catching the Fever

    May 19, 2009

    Catching the Fever

    You would never know it. Not by the welcoming smile or the calming spirit. You wouldn’t have a clue there was a time in Tamika Catchings’ life when she was shy, withdrawn and intimidated by the world around her. That description doesn’t fit the typical girl who would become the face of the WNBA.

    But Tamika Catchings has never been one to conform to stereotypes. She was born with a mild hearing loss, which caused her to speak with an impediment and wear hearing aids (which she hates even to this day).

  • Fit 4 Ever: Boost Your Metabolism

    May 19, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Boost Your Metabolism

    Take a look at virtually every magazine cover, and you will find the phrase “Boost your metabolism!” Having a slow metabolism is an often-used excuse when we describe our struggles to lose weight. The truth is that we all have a different rate at which we burn calories, but we also have a variety of solutions to the “slow metabolism syndrome.”

  • Tune In

    May 19, 2009

    Tune In

    For years it’s been a dream, and soon it will become a reality. On Saturday, September 1, FCA will launch its new weekly radio program, Sharing the Victory, on more than 60 U.S. stations. Under the same name as this magazine, now celebrating its 25th anniversary, the radio program will offer an informing and inspirational half-hour program that will air every weekend.

  • The Call

    May 19, 2009

    The Call

    It was the winter of 2003. Outside the temperature was cold, but Dr. Steve Lucey’s spirit felt even colder. He was at a loss. Sitting in his Greensboro, N.C., home, he believed God had anointed him to use his sports medicine training on the national level, and he could no longer ignore the burden within. It had consumed him for too long, and now he was certain of its meaning: there was something more that God wanted him to accomplish.

  • A Royal Risk

    May 19, 2009

    A Royal Risk

    There is a place where a person can go when life gets complicated — a place where he can feel completely at ease and safe from the big, bad world. It is a wonderful place where one feels at home not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Life is easy there. Life is good.

    That place is called Comfort Zone. Yet, in spite of its welcoming title, it’s often located at the address of 1000 MissedBlessingsAndOpportunities Dr., in the city of Half-Lived, Life.

    Dayton Moore remembers his comfort zone.

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