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  • Following His Lead

    August 04, 2009


    More than two years ago, I was feeling concerned about the fact that two of my teenage boys were not plugged into a Christian group. Demanding sports schedules were a contributing factor. A ministry like FCA would be perfect, my husband and I thought.

    As we began to pray, we thought about starting an FCA Huddle at our sons' high school. I was very excited, but then it became clear that my husband's schedule was not going to allow him to join me in this new adventure. Just like that, I was the leader — instead of assistant.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    August 03, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    Last year, Americans spent nearly $12 billion on cosmetic procedures to change their outward appearances. And all of that during one of the worst economic downturns our nation has ever seen.

    It absolutely amazes me what we are willing to do in order to look outwardly younger, skinnier or even happier. But the reality is that, if the inside is ugly and our hearts are troubled, nothing we do to cover it up will change our inner reality.

    While most of us may not resort to surgery to improve our appearances, we have all "put on a happy face" or said all the right things even when we were miserable on the inside. But please hear me on this: Lasting change always happens from the inside out.

  • Pair of Aces

    August 03, 2009

    Pair of Aces

    They were highly recruited freshmen on the UCLA volleyball team when they first met — one a shy high-school standout, who quietly went about her business; the other a gregarious, fun-loving star, who quickly made friends with everyone she met.

    Annett Davis and Jenny Johnson Jordan had never talked before their time as teammates at UCLA, but they certainly knew of each other.

  • Living Inside Out

    August 03, 2009

    Living Inside Out

    As athletes and coaches, we understand the meaning of discipline. Our lives are filled with early morning workouts and late nights in the gym. We sacrifice whatever it takes to reach our goals. We know that if we work harder than our opponents, we have a better chance of winning.

  • Born to Lead

    August 03, 2009

    Born to Lead

    Every week, it seems like a new moral or ethical shortcoming tarnishes the reputation of yet another sports superstar. There's no need to name names or the charges. Enough ink has already been used reporting the allegations.

    For better or worse, sports today provide one of the most visible platforms for modeling behavior. Yet, not everyone who stands on the pedestal wants the responsibility that comes with it. Some athletes even recoil at the idea of being a role model.

    Still, there are others who give us hope. Men like University of Florida senior quarterback Tim Tebow, who welcomes and embraces the opportunity to make a positive impact.

  • Coaching Staff Transitions

    July 30, 2009

    Through my fourteen years of service as a sport chaplain with college football, basketball, volleyball, baseball and other teams, I’ve endured several staff transitions. Some were due to resignations to take new opportunities and some due to firings. Either way, they’re not easy do deal with for the staff or the chaplain. Below are some simple thoughts on how to make the transition and to maintain your relationship with the new coaching staff, the support staff and the players.

    Related to the outgoing staff:
    · If the staff was fired, understand that this feels like failure and a lot like death to them.

  • Frustration

    July 23, 2009

    What is it that most frustrates you when you compete? Is it when you fail to accomplish what you had expected? Is it when your teammates fail to hold up their end of the competition? Maybe it’s when your expectations exceed your abilities? It’s easy for people to say; “Don’t be frustrated,” but we who play our hearts out don’t find that so easy.

  • Coach Tuke

    July 16, 2009

    “Who’s speaking at chapel tomorrow?” That was the pivotal question in my relationship with Coach Tom Matukewicz of Southern Illinois University. We were walking off the football field after a Friday practice and I simply told Coach Tuke who our guest speaker would be. He continued, “I’m thinking I ought to pray.” I chuckled and thought to myself, “That’s a good idea, coach, you ought to pray.” I was suddenly shaken by the thought, “He means tomorrow at chapel.” I asked him if that’s what he meant and it was. I immediately assured him that I’d set him up to do that and began thinking about how to not let him fail. I knew this was probably the biggest spiritual risk he had taken in his lifetime.

  • Lessons from Tragedy

    July 10, 2009

    This week the USA Sports world grieved the tragic loss of a high profile, recently retired professional football player. He was shot several times in his sleep by his mistress, 16 years his junior, who in turn killed herself. It was a horrible tragedy and a too common occurrence. The media jumped on the story and they have danced all around the issues related to the killing, but have not really dealt with the central question, “Why does this kind of thing happen?” The statistics related to divorce and bankruptcies among recently retired sports professionals are staggering. Education, brochures, presentations by former players, therapy sessions and professional consultations are having little effect on this issue.

  • The Emotions of Sport

    July 03, 2009

    Sport brings with it a series of risks. We regularly risk injury, misunderstanding, disappointment, frustration, failure, loss and more. If you play your heart out, the risks are even greater, especially the emotional ones. Trust me; it’s worth the risk to taste the wide variety of emotions which bring richness to life.

    I love it when I feel:
    · The momentum swing from the opponent’s sideline to ours when an athlete makes a big play.
    · The breathless excitement of a victorious locker room after a last-second win.
    · The gut-wrenching grief of a comeback that came up one point short.

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