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  • Bright Light in the Big City

    October 01, 2009

    Bright Light in the Big City

    They don't call it the Evil Empire for nothing. You either love 'em, or you hate 'em.

    For nearly a century, the New York Yankees have been establishing their status as the dominant franchise in Major League Baseball. The club is rich in both tradition and dollars and has a track record of success that makes small-market teams both sigh in exasperation and raise their fists in what is usually described as righteous anger.

  • Home Stretch: Tanisha Wright

    October 01, 2009

    Home Stretch: Tanisha Wright

    Growing up in Pennsylvania, my grandmother raised me to go to church. I did all the normal Christian things like go to Sunday school, sing in the choir and participate in our group of junior missionaries. Obviously, by the time I got to college, I knew who God was. I could tell you all the Bible stories and knew about Jesus, but it all was a very premature version of knowing Him. I didn't really recognize Christ as my Lord and Savior or have a personal relationship with Him.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Anna White

    October 01, 2009

    Heart of an Athlete: Anna White

    Chosen Attribute: Motivation

    Dictionary definition: "Something that causes one to act."

    My definition: "What compels you, what drives you, and what your life is plugged into in order to truly live."

  • Heart of a Coach: Nate Wolf

    October 01, 2009

    Heart of a Coach: Nate Wolf

    Chosen attribute: Perseverance

    Dictionary definition: "Steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement."

    My definition: "Honoring a commitment when it is not convenient to do so. Performing — in sport or life — at the highest possible level regardless of external conditions or internal comfort. The ability to start something well, maintain that same level throughout the competition or life situation, and finish with the same intensity with which you began."

  • Heart of a Coach: Mike London

    October 01, 2009

    Heart of a Coach: Mike London

    Chosen Attribute: Passion

    Dictionary definition: "Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling."

    My definition: "An enthusiastic approach to life and people and the possibilities they have to offer."

  • Chaplains - Plan

    September 30, 2009

    Chaplains - Plan
    • Secure sports team for chaplain’s program.  
    • Plan an initial time that introduces FCA, explains what the chaplain’s program is and the importance of commitment and confidentiality to the team.

  • Coaches - Promote

    September 30, 2009

    Coaches - Promote
    • Post some fliers with date, location and time around the gym or locker rooms
      Download free campus posters
    • Distribute promotional material to coaches.
    • Invite coaches to attend the bible study.

  • Team - Promote

    September 30, 2009

    Team - Promote
    • Create flyers to promote upcoming bible study opportunity.
    • Distribute promotional material to team members.
    • Invite team members to attend the bible study.

  • Coaches - Plan

    September 30, 2009

    Coaches - Plan
    • Secure day, time, and location of coach’s bible study. 
    • Recruit a bible study leader or facilitator. 
    • Develop a bible study plan with timeline and specific lessons outlined. 
    • Organize a weekly study agenda.
    • Plan an initial study that introduces FCA, explains what the study is about and the importance of commitment and confidentiality. 

  • Significance in Sports Ministry

    September 25, 2009

    For the last fifteen years I’ve watched various sports ministries, including the one which employs me, with alternating feelings of excitement, gratitude, disappointment, dismay, wonder and dilemma. A number of factors lead to these conflicted feelings and questions. One of the hardest questions I’ve asked myself follows.

    Is ministry with the highest profile and among those with greatest influence more significant than ministry with the most obscure and least influential? Is my ministry with an American college football team more significant than my work with a rural junior high girls basketball team? I’d like to think that the answer is simple and obvious, but our actions and attitudes often betray our true values.

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