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  • Fit 4 Ever: Breakfast of Champions

    May 07, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Breakfast of Champions

    If you are not eating breakfast, you are missing the most important meal of the day! When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, He said, “Come and have breakfast.” It was a time of nourishment—physical,  relational and spiritual. Too bad most of us just rush into the day, undernourished physically and unprepared spiritually.

    Breakfast is essential for consistent energy, focus and concentration, easier weight loss and more consistent moods. But just eating breakfast isn’t necessarily going to get you started on the right foot.

  • Blessed, Not Broken

    May 07, 2009


    Next time you are outside, take a moment to reflect on the wind. Consider how the contrasting currents of air can either wrench homes from the ground or gently spin the hairs on your arm. Consider that in one location there may be a powerful tornado and in another a gentle breeze. Both are distinct, but not separate. They are streams of air—winds that have been stirred up in different ways. The result of each is determined by the many factors that contribute to their development. And in many respects, our human condition is no different.

  • Second Chance

    May 07, 2009


    For a time, Iver McDonald was superhuman. Well, not really. But at least she felt that way. That’s what can happen when you’re young and brash and enter high school as an elite softball player good enough to make the varsity as a freshman.
    “I had this horrible attitude,” she said. “I thought I was the stuff in softball—like I walked on water. I thought I was invincible, that nothing could touch me.”

    But things weren’t going so well in her personal life.

  • In Cink

    May 07, 2009

    In Cink

    It was once thought that shorter men made the best golfers. But that turned out to be a myth, facilitated only by the fact that the best players at the time were under 5-foot-11.

    Stewart Cink is 6-foot-4, 205 lbs.—impressive stature compared to those tour champions of the past, and tall enough to set him above the tour leaders of the moment as well, but only by an inch or two.  But those who know Stewart Cink wouldn’t likely reference his measurements as what separates him from the crowd. Because more impressive than his physical presence is his spiritual stature, which is created by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit inside him.

  • Two for the Show

    May 07, 2009

    Two for the Show

    It was a first for the two brothers, playing on the same Major League field.

    Graduating from the childhood batting cages of their backyard, life had come full circle for Matt and Jonny Diaz. Their parents smiled from the stands; they couldn’t have been more proud. Each young man had followed his own individual calling, but this Saturday night they both found themselves delivering for Braves’ fans at Turner Field—one with a bat, the other with a guitar.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Fitness Myths

    May 07, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Fitness Myths

    Have you ever seen the show “MythBusters”? Every week, these two crazy guys try to separate truth from urban legend. They take commonly accepted ideas like the ones that say eating turkey makes you sleepy or that certain sodas will completely dissolve rusty bolts, and then they prove them to be true or false.

    I have to wonder if the Apostle Paul would have been the host of this type of show from a spiritual perspective. He certainly would have had a blast busting the “irreverent and silly myths” of his day with the truth of Jesus!

  • Confraternidad de Deportistas Christianos

    May 07, 2009

    Confraternidad de Deportistas Christianos

    Sheltered from the stark contrast separating the world’s “haves” and “have-nots,” FCA Colombia Director James Oilar was living the good life as a sports club manager in Chicago.

    But when a friend asked Oilar a simple question, it took him on a journey that eventually landed him in Bogotá, Colombia, to help lead FCA’s first international Huddle.

    The question? “James, what has to happen in your life so you don’t consider it a failure?”

  • Spiritual Medicine

    May 07, 2009

    Spiritual Medicine

    Native Americans, after inventing lacrosse centuries ago, called it “the medicine game.” They said it was a supernatural gift, possessing the power to bond and heal communities.

    “People from the tribe hoped if they played hard enough and the ‘Creator’ was pleased with the game, he would take energy from those who played and transfer it to someone sick in the tribe,” said Christian Zwickert, the fifth-year men’s lacrosse coach at Wesley College, a small United Methodist school in Dover, Del.

  • Solid Gold

    May 07, 2009

    Solid Gold

    To this day, Leah O’Brien-Amico remembers the phone call. It came a decade ago, but it seems like yesterday. It was in the morning. O’Brien-Amico, who was at the time still in the process of building her softball-legend status as part of the U.S. National Team, was standing in the lobby of a hotel chatting with some teammates.

    She was in a good mood; it was a joyful time. An Olympic gold medal-winning athlete, O’Brien-Amico had just wrapped up her final season at the University of Arizona, where her team had won the College World Series about a month earlier. It was the third national title Arizona had won while she was there.

  • Around the Horn

    May 07, 2009

    Around the Horn

    One is a respected veteran rounding out an All-Star career. One is making a mid-career transition to the Arizona desert. One is a rising star coming off his first season in the majors.

    Three men, all at different points in their game. Three men, all at different points in their faith. But three men, all with great insight on Christ and baseball.

    Take note: This is wisdom from three of the most stand-up infielders in the game.

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