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  • Empathy

    October 09, 2009

    I was thinking overnight about some of the qualities which enable sports chaplains and sports mentors to be most effective in their work with coaches and competitors. One of those is Empathy. Empathy is the ability to see situations from another’s point of view, to even feel what the other is feeling. Empathy shapes our attitudes and aligns our hearts and emotions to be most effective at communicating God’s heart in any given situation.

  • Notes on Team Travel

    October 06, 2009


    Let’s think for a moment about the various ways we have traveled to and from competitions across our lives in sport. Low rent or first class, those who play their hearts out find joy in the journey.

    I remember traveling to high school wrestling meets in school buses. I remember teammates spitting in paper cups to lose the last fractions of a pound to make weight. I remember the smell of oranges being peeled and snacks from mothers being shared among teammates. I remember the raucous rides home after victories and the deathly quiet following painful losses.

  • Team - Plan

    October 05, 2009

    Team - Plan
    • Secure day, time, and location of team bible study. 
    • Recruit a bible study leader or facilitator. 
    • Develop a bible study plan with timeline and specific lessons outlined. 
    • Organize a weekly study agenda.
    • Plan an initial study that introduces FCA, explains what the study is about and the importance of commitment and confidentiality.


  • Who Leads?

    October 05, 2009

    Who Leads?

    Adult & Student Leaders

    1. A commitment to Christ
    2. A commitment to Sport
    3. A commitment to Campus
    4. A commitment to FCA

    Student -Athlete Responsibilities:

  • Organizational Structure

    October 02, 2009

    Organizational Structure

    Organizational Staff/Geographical Structure

    • Local
    • State
    • Regional
    • National

    FCA is the largest sports ministry in the world.  FCA’s ministry growth over the years has produced the need for an effective organizational structure.  This structure includes local ministry supported by local staff, which is supported by a regional and national FCA ministry organization.  When you are a part of FCA, remember that you are not alone. You are part of a large, organized team developed to support what God has called you to do!   

  • Notes on Team Travel

    October 01, 2009

    Let’s think for a moment about the various ways we have traveled to and from competitions across our lives in sport. Low rent or first class, those who play their hearts out find joy in the journey.

    · I remember traveling to high school wrestling meets in school busses. I remember teammates spitting in paper cups to lose the last fractions of a pound so as to make weight. I remember the smell of oranges being peeled and snacks from mothers being shared among teammates. I remember the raucous rides home after victories and the deathly quiet following painful losses. I also remember being slapped by a cheerleader, but not having enjoyed the offending pinch.

  • Fit 4 Ever: What Is Possible?

    October 01, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: What Is Possible?

    Next month, 51-year-old triathlete Gary Brasher will complete back-to-back-to-back Iron-distance triathlons in order to raise funds for FCA. Yep, you read that right. A triple Iron! Right now, he's in the middle of training for the big event, which will take place Nov. 20-22.

    Going in, Brasher knew that the sacrifice would be intense. I mean, can you even imagine completing 7.4 miles of swimming, 336 miles of biking and 79.2 miles of running in three days? For most of us, that is unthinkable. But that is exactly what he is willing to do for what he feels is an important cause.

  • The Good Life

    October 01, 2009

    The Good Life

    The young girl in eighth-grade science class may look like she's doing all right, but Claudeen Bryant knows better. The fifth-year teacher at inner-city Nashville's (Tenn.) Haynes Middle School has been around long enough to see through the facade of most struggling adolescents. She knows how easy it can be to trick people into believing everything is OK when, inside, you're an emotional wreck.

  • Stand Your Ground

    October 01, 2009

    Stand Your Ground

    "Everybody drinks. Just have a beer and stop being a baby."

    "Come on, it's only pot. It's not a big deal."

    "Just take these. I know they're steroids, but nobody will know you're taking them, and you'll be amazed how much better your game will be."

    The message is the same in schools around the country. Insert the area's biggest drug-related problem, and you'll hear the same thing: "Everyone is doing it, and they're turning out just fine."

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