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Competitor’s Creed Study 3: Steal or Reveal

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By FCA Resources

November 05, 2007

I do not trust in myself.
I do not boast in my abilities or believe in my own strength.
I rely solely on the power of God.
I compete for the pleasure of my Heavenly Father, the honor of Christ, and the
reputation of the Holy Spirit.

I do not trust in myself.
How important is trust to your success in athletics?

What are some ways you can show trust to those on your team and your coaching staff?

Read Psalm 20:7-8. What are the “chariots” and “horses” that some are trusting in today? As David prepared for battle, who was he trusting in for victory? What was the result of those who trusted in “chariots” and “horses” verses those who trusted in the Lord? (v.8).

When you compete, who or what are you trusting in for victory?

I do not boast in my abilities or believe in my own strength.
What are some harmful effects of boasting in our athletic/coaching abilities?

Read Luke 18:9-14. What is the difference between these two men who came to God in prayer? What did Jesus say would happen when we boast in ourselves?

Going into my 8th-grade-wrestling season I was a returning state qualifier and had high expectations of being an undefeated state champion. In preparation for the season, I had the words “Bad to the Bone!” put on the back of my warm up shirt for everyone to see. God had the perfect opportunity to humble this brash young boy and he did in only my third match of the season when I lost 4-2. At our next practice my coach played the song “Bad to the Bone” as we warmed up, just for good measure. The shirt got trashed and I ended up finishing 4th at state that year, and learned a very valuable lesson in the process. How about you? When has God had to humble you?

What does God say about boasting in Jeremiah 9:23-24?

What do you think Paul means when he says in Galatians 6:14, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ?”

I rely solely on the power of God.
Who comes to mind when you think of someone with extraordinary physical power?

How would you describe God’s power? How does Paul describe God’s power in 2 Corinthians 4:7?

How can God’s power help you as a competitor? (Read Isaiah 40:28-31)

I compete for the pleasure of my Heavenly Father, the honor of Christ, and the reputation of the Holy Spirit.
As Christian Competitors, we have to remember that our #1 goal in competing is to please our Heavenly Father, as Paul states in 2 Corinthians 5:9. This brings honor to Christ and upholds the reputation of the Holy Spirit. How does Paul pray for the Colossians to please God (Col 1:10)? How can you please God when you compete?

Live It Out
Boasting in our abilities steals the glory that God deserves in our lives and is not pleasing to Him. When you compete, are you stealing God’s glory or are you revealing it? Are there any changes that need to be made in you to reveal more of God’s glory?