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The Game - Get Focused Study

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By FCA Resources

June 09, 2009

“There’s definitely a right and a wrong. And I know what that is.”
-Michelle, junior on girl’s varsity soccer team.

Need: Students desire to know that they are making the right decisions for a focused life.
Objective: Students will understand how to make the best decisions and know how to influence their friends.

Some say that life is a series of decisions. What time do I get up? What do I have for breakfast? Should I study more? Have I studied enough? What will I say if he asks me out? Should I go out for the team? Should I train more before the season starts? Am I eating right? Should I go out with my friends?

It seems that life is one decision after another. Really, your life could be summed up by the series of decisions you make. If your life were compared to a game, are you making the right decisions to find victory? They say that sports is 90% mental. Are you making the right decisions in the mental part of life so you can find focus?

What Are You Thinking?

(15 Minutes)

This session can help you see how you look at decisions.

Just circle “A” for “agree” or “D” for “disagree.”

It's OK to: This is for me This is for everybody
Play dirty if you don’t get caught. A or D A or D
Lie to protect a person’s feelings. A or D A or D
Lie to not get in trouble. A or D A or D
Lust after a person. A or D A or D
Cheat on a test. A or D A or D
Look at porn on the web. A or D A or D
Look at a porn magazine. A or D A or D
Cheat during a game. A or D A or D
Drink one beer at a party. A or D A or D
Drink a shot at a party. A or D A or D
Smoke a cigarette. A or D A or D
Smoke a joint. A or D A or D
Petting (not your dog). A or D A or D
Participate in oral sex. A or D A or D
Kiss/Pet someone of the same sex. A or D A or D
Abort a baby. A or D A or D
Murder someone. A or D A or D

Discuss the following:

  • Did you rate any of the activities differently? Why?
  • What makes the difference between something that is right/wrong for you and something that is right/wrong for other people?
  • If you disagree with something your friend is doing and you don’t speak up, are you allowing them to be hurt?


Not Just On Sundays

(15 Minutes)

Decisions not based on Jesus lead to trouble.

“The thief comes in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that they might have life, life in all its fullness.” John 10:10

We have been learning about decisions. In the last lesson we talked about the difference between relative truth and God’s game plan, Absolute Truth. A good coach knows that training happens every day, not just on game day. Lots of people only think about Jesus on Sunday mornings. How can we include Jesus in our day-to-day decisions?

Jesus wants to help...

  • “I call on you , O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.” Psalm 17:6
  • “Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here I am.” Isaiah 58:9

Jesus’ ways are the best...

  • “All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant.” Psalm 25:10

Decisions not based on Jesus lead to trouble...

  • “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life, and that more abundantly.” John 10:10

Consider the following:

  • Have you ever considered making decisions based on what Jesus would think?
  • What would your life look like if you did?


WWJD ... Again? Or Still?

(15 Minutes)

WWJD was a popular saying. You saw the bracelets all the time. It stood for “What would Jesus do?” Great question, but it got kind of trendy. After going through this study, it seems like we need to take a fresh look at that trend. If Jesus really is the Perfect Coach, and the Bible contains His instructions for us, then it must be the truth. Truth today was truth yesterday and will be truth tomorrow. His truth is what’s best for us.

It’s not what I think – it is what Jesus says. What if there were no out-of-bounds for a basketball game. No sidelines, no rules. What would the result be? How much fun would playing sports be? Do you think that there would be more injuries?

Since our Perfect Coach cares about us and the decisions we make, take a few minutes to redo the chart from His perspective.

Just circle “A” for “agree” or “D” for “disagree.”

  Jesus would think this is wrong Jesus wants me to say something to my friends
Play dirty if you don’t get caught. A or D A or D
Lie to protect a person’s feelings. A or D A or D
Lie to not get in trouble. A or D A or D
Lust after a person. A or D A or D
Cheat on a test. A or D A or D
Look at porn on the web. A or D A or D
Look at a porn magazine. A or D A or D
Cheat during a game. A or D A or D
Drink one beer at a party. A or D A or D
Drink a shot at a party. A or D A or D
Smoke a cigarette. A or D A or D
Smoke a joint. A or D A or D
Petting (not your dog). A or D A or D
Participate in oral sex. A or D A or D
Kiss/Pet someone of the same sex. A or D A or D
Abort a baby. A or D A or D
Murder someone. A or D A or D

Now discuss:

  • Why do you think Jesus’ definition of right and wrong never changes?
  • Why does Jesus care about what everyone does?
  • Why would He want me to say something to my friends?
  • What do people mean by “condemning the act and loving the person?”
  • Why is this important?


How Does This Help Me FIX MY EYES?

(10 Minutes)

Hebrews 12:2 - “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith...”

The daily decisions that you’re faced with can seem overwhelming. They don’t have to be. Our coach, Jesus, gives us a way to make decisions. His Playbook is clear and never changes. Jesus also cares for our friends as much as He cares for us. That’s why He wants us to share His love for them by helping them to fix their eyes.

Discuss the following:

  • Do you really think that God cares about the decisions you make? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel you already make decisions based on the Perfect Coach? Do you want to?
  • Do you care about the decisions that your friends make?
  • How can you help your friends make better decisions?