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Mistakes Made

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By FCA Resources

June 01, 2009

  • Brian confessed to doing steroids earlier in his career. He admitted his mistakes. How hard is it for you to admit when you are wrong or have done something wrong? Do you need to confess a mistake or sin in your life? What is it?
  • He talked about spiritual mentors. Who are the spiritual mentors in your life? How are they pouring into your daily life?
  • What spiritual battles are you trying to face alone?
  • Read Proverbs 27:17 and Eccl. 4:12. Why is it so important to have mature spiritual relationships?
  • Who has God put in you life at the right time to encourage you after you made a mistake? What did that mean to you?
  • How are you handling your mistakes in life? How is God working through your tough days to make them brighter for Him?
  • Pray and ask God to help you confess your sin and mistakes and use these times to grow.

Key Verse:

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17