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New Believer Collegiate Study

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By jnash

February 07, 2011

This study was compiled from resources created by Campus Crusade for Christ & Athletes in Action and is being used by athletes at the University of Georgia. Feel free to use the download button below.

This study includes 16 sessions:

  1. Using the Bible In Daily Life
  2. Developing Confidence in Biblical Prayer
  3. Understanding the Ministry of Reconciliation
  4. Communicating the Ministry of Reconciliation
  5. Putting Practical Faith into Action
  6. Practicing Spiritual Multiplication
  7. Living in Light of Eternity
  8. Living Out Our Identity in Christ
  9. Dealing with Life’s Trials
  10. Knowing God’s Will
  11. Understanding Initiative Evangelism
  12. Selecting Disciples for Multiplication
  13. Becoming a Servant Leader
  14. Planning for Leadership Development
  15. Obeying God’s Direction
  16. Fulfilling the Great Commission