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OW2P Study - Accountability (Part 4)

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By FCA Resources

June 09, 2009

To show students that, much like having a workout partner who spots us while lifting weights and pushes us to do our best, we also need a partner who will help us to stick with our commitment to play drug free. Accountability will help them stick to their commitment.

Key Scriptures
Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 27:6, 17; 2 Timothy 4:2

Warm Up
In a small group, discuss or list things that normally do not need accountability to complete (like eating, sleeping) and discuss or list things that do need accountability (homework, working out). Have the groups report their findings to the entire group and explain why there is a difference between the two lists.

Show the Week 4 video — “Accountability”

As athletes, we know that with accountability we can train harder. Whether it is sprints on the track, long distance training runs or hitting the weights, having a partner to work out with helps you go to a higher level. The same thing applies with our OW2P commitment.

Though it has been more than 3,000 years since King David lived, many people today are still familiar with his story. Sixty-two chapters of the Old Testament are devoted to the telling of his life, and 59 references in the New Testament call attention to him. He was a great and powerful man who was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” Yet David, the great man of God, committed a series of sins that led to terrible consequences.

When he was around 50 years old, David came to a point of comfort in his life. As the King of Israel, he had the greatest military in the world and all of the possessions one would ever need. One thing he did not have was accountability. He lived a life of secrecy. It was during this time in his life that he committed adultery. Since no one held him accountable for his actions, instead of admitting it, he covered it up with premeditated murder. For a year, he lived a lie — a life of deception (2 Samuel 11).

Then God sent Nathan, and in a brief and effective conversation, he told David the truth, holding David accountable for his choices (2 Samuel 12). It was not until then that David admitted his wrong and in humility turned back to God.

So many people today do not have any accountability in any area of their life. As young Christian men and women, it is necessary to have accountability partners to check and double-check us on our spiritual disciplines and commitments in the hope that we will not end up, like David, in a mess.

A few observations: Nathan was not taking God’s place. He was called by God. The last verse in 2 Samuel 11 says that “the thing that David had done displeased the Lord.” We must all give account to God. Galatians 6:7 tells us, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” We will always face the consequences of our actions. God did use Nathan, a man David greatly respected, to help him see his error (Proverbs 27:6). When Nathan said, “You are the man!” it hurt David but brought about healing in his life. As an accountability partner, your messages, like Nathan’s, should be done skillfully and humbly, at the right time and in the right way. Call it what it is. Speak the truth in love; be full of compassion remembering that you, too, are a sinner.

Workout Questions

  1. How do people normally respond to correction or criticism?
  2. Have you been corrected or criticized by your coach this year? How did you respond?
  3. If you needed to be corrected concerning your relationship with God, who would be the one person you would want to do it? Why?
  4. Have you ever had an accountability partner for anything in your life? What kind of impact did it have on you?
  5. Why do we need accountability? What benefits come through accountability?
  6. How can accountability help you stick to your commitment?

Wrap Up
Choose an accountability partner. He/she can be someone in or outside the group. Discuss the kinds of questions you and your partner will ask every week to help hold each other accountable to the commitments you both have made to living and playing drug, alcohol and tobacco free. You should partner (guys with guys, girls with girls) with someone you respect, and who you know will fearlessly speak the truth. This is not necessarily a best friend.


  • Pray for your partner! (2 Thessalonians 1:11)
  • Be available! (Philippians 2:20)
  • Expect results! (Philippians 1:6)

Use the 5 Hard Questions:

  1. Are you living and playing alcohol and drug free?
  2. Are you encouraging others to live and play that way?
  3. Are you being honest with at least one mature person about your feelings and temptations?
  4. Are you trusting Christ to meet your needs?
  5. Are you honoring Him in your thoughts, words and actions?