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Bible Study

  • 3 Minute Drill - Ben Zobrist Video Study

    May 03, 2010


    Part I:

    1. As a Christian, what does it mean that Christ lives in you?

    2. How does that affect the way you live? How does it affect the way you compete? How should it affect the way you live and compete?

    3. Ben Zobrist says that when we understand that Christ is living and operating through us, we will be free of pressure. Think about that statement and explain what it means.

    4. Read Galatians 2:20. What does it mean to be “crucified with Christ”?

  • 3 Minute Drill - Drew Brees Video Study

    January 15, 2010

    3 Minute Drill - Drew Brees Video Study

    Sharing the Victory magazine sat down with New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees to talk about leadership, spiritual discipline and the pressures of the NFL. Walk through this four part study by using the questions and videos below.

  • Armintie Price - Inspired by Joy

    January 06, 2010


    Please Note: This study corresponds with the Winning Edge videos found on the 2009 Inside Out DVD. Due to copyrights, the video cannot be made available online.

    This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
    Psalms 118:24

  • Nichole Jones - Smiling Through Adversity

    January 06, 2010


    Please Note: This study corresponds with the Winning Edge videos found on the 2009 Inside Out DVD. Due to copyrights, the video cannot be made available online.

    For You have made me rejoice, LORD, by what You have done; I will shout for joy because of the works of Your hands.  How magnificent are Your works, LORD, how profound Your thoughts. Psalms 92:4-5

  • Dakota Bracey - Change Is Good

    January 06, 2010


    Please Note: This study corresponds with the Winning Edge videos found on the 2009 Inside Out DVD. Due to copyrights, the video cannot be made available online.

    "Therefore, fear the LORD and worship Him in sincerity and truth. Get rid of the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and worship the LORD. But if it doesn't please you to worship the LORD, choose for yourselves today the one you will worship: the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my family, we will worship the LORD." Joshua 24:14-15


  • Brantley Gunn - Flying Above

    January 06, 2010


    Please Note: This study corresponds with the Winning Edge videos found on the 2009 Inside Out DVD. Due to copyrights, the video cannot be made available online.

    Key Verse: And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

  • Amena Brown - Jesus Receives All the Honor

    January 06, 2010

    Amena Brown - Jesus Receives All the Honor

    Key Verse:  
    For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring you to God, after being put to death in the fleshly realm but made alive in the spiritual realm. 1 Peter 3:18

    Watch the corresponding video, then use the questions below:

  • 3 Minute Drill - Colt McCoy Video Study

    December 01, 2009


    Sharing the Victory magazine sat down with University of Texas quarterback Colt McCoy to talk about integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence. Walk through this four part study by using the questions and videos below.

    Part I:

    1.What was Colt McCoy’s definition of integrity? Do you agree or disagree


    2. McCoy says that a Christian athlete should play with integrity. Why is that important?


    3. How does it affect others to see integrity modeled on the field?


  • Introduction - Get Focused Study

    November 05, 2009

    Introduction - Get Focused Study

    What is “Get Focused”?

    “Get Focused” is a four-part video series (each video is approximately 12 minutes) with study guides designed to help people make decisions based on the standards described in the Bible.

    In George Barna’s book Think Like Jesus, he reports* that only 9% of evangelical, born-again believers have a “Biblical Worldview.” The remaining 91% make decisions based on a more “relative standard.” In other words, their decision is relative to the circumstances.

    “Get Focused” is designed to help a person think through these through four different topics:

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