Give each person a copy of the following on a piece of paper and a pen. Give them a certain amount of time (three minutes or so) to find a different person for each of the “animal trivialities” listed. When they find a person, have them place their initials in the blank. If possible, try not to use an individual more than once.
Animal Trivialities:
- Ridden an elephant
- Bathed a dog
- Had a hermit crab for a pet
- Petted an exotic animal
- Had a pet named Spot, Rover, Fluffy or Tiger
- Taken a pet on an airplane
- Kissed a pig
- Had more than four pets at a time
- Thinks a dog is the best pet
- Thinks a cat is the best pet
- Potty trained a pet
- Bottle fed a pet
- “Herded” cows, pigs or some farm animal
- Never had a pet
Physical Activity Level:
Group Size: