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Bigger and Better Scavenger Hunt

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By FCA Resources

June 12, 2009

Students begin with a stick of gum and go from house to house asking for something “bigger and better” than the current object. Make sure the homeowners know they will NOT be getting their item back because it will be traded at the next stop! At the end of a pre-determined time limit, everyone returns to the meeting place with their final object covered with a sheet. One by one each team reveals their “biggest and best” object and then have some “judges” (possibly use some adult sponsors) decide who wins the prize. End the meeting by discussing HEAVEN which is the “biggest and best” of all! For refreshments serve Heavenly Hash Ice Cream or Angel Food Cake.

These Scriptures can be a help in your discussion of Heaven: John 14:1-6, Revelation 21 & 22, Luke 24:36-43 (Jesus’ resurrected, glorified body), Revelation 4, Luke 12:35-48, and I Corinthians 15 

Physical Activity Level: 
Group Size: 