I had the pleasure of meeting the legendary Buck O'Neil earlier this year. It was on his 94th birthday on a Saturday morning at the FCA headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. Ashamedly, I did not know who he was when he walked straight up to me to give me hug. After learning that I had just met a legend of the American Negro Baseball League, I remember feeling like I had embraced an angel overflowing with the love of Christ.
For days after his recent death, a number of articles ran in the Kansas City newspaper debating how to best honor him. It was suggested that his name go to an education and research center or to a special hall of fame scouting category. And there are still grumblings about his not getting voted into the baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.
I had to smirk a bit when I read those articles, because I knew that Buck O'Neil was and is getting his reward in a place far better than planet earth. But I'm not surprised at all the hoopla, because Peter instructs us (1 Peter 4) that non-believers don't understand Christ-like behavior. They don't understand why Christians are called to live a life pleasing to God and not man. When Jesus warns us not to store up treasures on earth, it's because wealth (or awards, medals and championships) will always be lost. Our money and possessions will become worthless to us when Christ returns or when we die, whichever comes first. And either event could happen at any time.
We are given eternal rewards for doing good works (Ephesians 6:8; Romans 2:6,10), persevering under persecution (Luke 6:22-23), showing compassion to the needy (Luke 14:13-14), treating our enemies with kindness (Luke 6:35) and generous giving (Matt. 19:21). Scripture says that we will all give an account one day when we stand before God on judgment day. Let's make sure that we are investing in things eternal. Remember. . . "You can't take it with you."