“May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy.”
-Colossians 1:11
One mission, one focus, one man carrying out a plan for one purpose: Gary Brasher is that man! On November 20-22, 2009, Gary will do what is seemingly unthinkable by completing back-to-back-to-back Iron-distance triathlons to raise funds for student-athletes to go to FCA Camps. During those three grueling days, he will cover 422.6 miles. So, why would he do this? Why would he put his body through such suffering and pain? Because he is a man on a mission.
Over 2,000 years ago, there was another man who was given a mission to complete. He was born to a common family, grew in obedience to his father and mother, and worked in the family trade until it was time for him to fulfill his calling in life. Who was this man? His name was Jesus. At the age of 30, he began a three-year mission with one focus: to carry out His father’s plan.
I know Gary will make it simply because he understands the endurance it takes to complete such a task. I know the 422 miles will be taxing in so many ways, but that final .6 will be incredibly sweet. In that last leg of the last race, he will see the finish line and know that all the suffering and pain will be worth it. Because of his suffering, hearts and lives will be forever changed.
Likewise, Jesus’ journey finished with a less-than-a-mile effort. It is estimated that Christ carried His cross to the hill on Golgotha .5 miles. His journey long, His mission clear, His focus on the finish. And Christ completed His goal. His pain and suffering that day changed our hearts and lives for eternity. His endurance accomplished the ultimate opportunity: our everlasting life in Heaven with Him.
Are you nearing the end of a long journey? Can you see the finish line? Perhaps you are just starting a difficult journey. Whatever the case may be, know that enduring to the end with all patience, all faith and all joy in Christ will reap a far greater reward than any earthly trophy or accomplishment.
Gary…Go for it for God’s glory! We’re behind you, brother. And may it remind us of the most enduring and suffering and glorious “last mile” of all time—the one completed by Jesus Christ.
1. When you think about what Gary Brasher is about to accomplish, what thoughts come to you mind?
2. What kind of journey (mission) are you on today? Are you just starting, or are you nearing the finish line?
3. What do you need to do today—in God’s power—to endure with all strength, all patience and all joy for His glory?
Romans 5:3-4
2 Timothy 2:10
1 Peter 2:2-22
Check out www.tripleiron422.com [1] to learn about one man’s quest to inspire youth with the message of faith through endurance as he completes three Ironman triathlons in three days…That’s 422.6 miles in 72 hours!