“Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:29
Tampa Bay Rays All-Star Ben Zobrist wasn't drafted by Major League Baseball out of high school. In fact, he wasn't even offered a baseball scholarship to play in college. Yet, after attending a skills showcase the summer after his senior year, one college coach saw potential in Zobrist and offered him a position on the team.
Now one of the brightest young infielders in the game, Zobrist has experienced a divine path to success--both on the field and off. Just before the start of the 2010 season, Zobrist sat down with FCA's Sharing the Victory magazine to talk about that career, his family and, most importantly, his faith in Jesus Christ.
While the full-length interview is available online at fcaresources.com, today's Impact Play will feature the final installment of Sharing the Victory's four-part video study series based on the interview with Zobrist. Click the link below to watch or download the clip, and then answer the questions. Finish by reading the related Scripture and asking God to work in your heart as a result of what you've learned.
1. Do you have any superstitions when it comes to your sport? What purpose do they serve?
2. Ben Zobrist talks about the difference between responsibility and control. How is being responsible different from being controlling? List three ways.
3. How much control do you have over the circumstances in your life?
4. Read Matthew 6:25-34. What does this passage tell us about God? What does it tell us about our lives?
5. Do you trust God and His promise of that passage? If so, how can you begin to live a more surrendered life to Him?
Psalm 20:7
Psalm 31:6
Psalm 91
Proverbs 3:5-6
Want more? Watch or download the feature interview with Zobrist at fcaresources.com. Click here: http://fcaresources.com/video/stv-interview-ben-zobrist [2]