"Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body." -1 Corinthians 6:19-20
When the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens are getting ready to go into battle, the sound system blasts music and the giant screens exhort the team to “Protect this House.” This same scene is replayed week after week in stadiums all around the league. In the history of sports, there has never been a team that has liked losing on their home field. That is why most homecoming games are scheduled against competition that the home team should easily defeat.
God refers to our bodies as His house. Because we are believers, the Holy Spirit actually lives inside of us. And because God lives within us, He expects us to protect His house! This is a high standard, especially since we live in a culture that promotes winning above all else.
Because the pressure to win is so great, many athletes have resorted to trying just about anything that will take their game to the next level. Each year, hundreds of athletes test positive for illegal or banned substances. Performance-enhancing drug use has become so prevalent that each major sport has established elaborate drug-testing policies with increasing penalties for offenders.
God calls us to a different standard. He does not want us to do anything that would cause harm to our bodies or bring dishonor to His name. The reputation of athletes who test positive for drug use is forever tarnished. For believers, the name and reputation of Jesus also will be harmed. When we resort to banned or illegal substances to improve our performance, we are basically putting our trust and confidence in those substances. We are saying that the power of God is not able to give us the discipline, the determination, the drive or the talent to compete at our best.
1. What substances do you put in your body that might bring dishonor to the name of Christ?
2. What would Jesus think about what you are willing to do in order to succeed in your sport?
3. Are you willing to stop using any questionable substances or supplements today?
Romans 8:9-11; Philippians 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, please help me to remember that Your Holy Spirit lives in me. Help me to protect Your house from anything that would be harmful to my body or bring dishonor to Your name. Amen.
About the Author:
Jimmy serves as the Mid-Atlantic Vice President of Field Ministry for FCA. As a twenty-year medical fitness leader and former National Director of FCA Health & Fitness, he hosts Fit Fridays on 95.1 SHINE FM. Jimmy is an author of four best-selling books – WisdomWalks, WisdomWalks Sports, PrayFit, and One Word That Will Change Your Life. He is a coach, cyclist and triathlete. He and his wife, Ivelisse, started a cancer foundation called believebig.org [1] following her victory over cancer. They reside in Maryland with their four children. You can e-mail Jimmy at jpage@fca.org [2].