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FCA "Touching Millions" Campaign Ads

FCA Resources's picture

By FCA Resources

April 04, 2008

These ads focus on the impact of FCA and are designed to excite athletes, coaches and donors to your local ministry to learn more.

The “Touching Millions” ads are available in three different versions and are available in full page (8.5x11) and ¼ page sizes as well as color, black/white and grayscale versions to meet the needs of different publications.

Use them in:
· Magazines
· Newspapers
· Athletic programs
· Banquet programs
· Newsletters
· Postings/Bulletin Boards
· Your ideas!

There are different versions available in size and color to meet the needs of different media publications.
· Note: we recommend the grayscale (BW-Gray) ads for one color publications, although the black/white ads (BW) will work also.
· For newspapers specifically, we recommend only the black/white versions for sharpness/clarity on the newsprint type paper and printing which tends to be a lower resolution, especially with school newspapers.

Please contact us in marketing if you have questions.