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  • Living the Dream

    June 01, 2009


    Orioles Second-base man  Brian Roberts talks about priorities, decision making, and keeping God the center of your life.

  • The Weight of the Cross

    June 01, 2009


  • Living the Dream

    June 01, 2009

    • As a young athlete Brian said his career and life were out of control. How easy is it to get out of control in your life? What leads you to living that way?
    • Living the dream as a professional athlete, he made baseball his god. What is god in your life right now? How did it get that way?
    • How do we get so wrapped up in living for ourselves and not for God?
    • Read Isaiah 44:6. How do you need to put this verse into practice in your life?
    • Brian confessed to making poor decisions. When you find yourself in that place, how do you get yourself out of it? Where does God fit into that equation?
    • What areas of your life are you putting before you relationship with God?

  • Pray Constantly

    June 01, 2009


    Orioles Second-base man Brian Roberts talks about the importance of prayer.

  • More Than a Sport

    June 01, 2009

    • Coach Coale talks about being a part of her program as more than just being a player in it. What was she referring to with that point?
    • How can sport teach you more about life and the skills necessary to make it in the world today?
    • Why does she feel responsible for passing on these life skills to her players?
    • Read 1 Timothy 4:6-8. Athletic training is important to an athlete. Why is spiritual training more important?
    • What do you think godliness means? How is godliness beneficial in every area of your life?
    • Coach Coale believes it is important not only to prepare her players for what is next, but wants them to apply it themselves.

  • Pray Constantly

    June 01, 2009

    Pray Constantly
    • Brian prays in the batter’s box. When do you find yourself praying as an athlete?
    • In his prayers he wants to glorify God through whatever happens. Do you pray during competition? If so, are you praying for you to be glorified by doing something great, or are you praying for God to receive the glory in what happens? There is a HUGE difference…what is the difference to you?
    • How has God called you to pray as an athlete?
    • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  • Do Your Best Where God Has You

    June 01, 2009


    University of Oklahoma Women's Basketball Coach Sherri Coale talks about doing your best and working your hardest, wherever God has placed you.  




  • Run to God

    June 01, 2009


    Orioles Second-base man Brian Roberts talks about struggling with sin and responding God's way.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Time to Recharge

    June 01, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Time to Recharge

    Has your cell phone battery ever died? Mine sure has. Every night I plug in my cell so that it can recharge. But if it doesn't charge long enough, its battery dies early. And a quick tricklecharge in the car doesn't seem to help at all.

    Have you ever considered how much sleep for your body is like recharging your own battery? When we don't get enough sleep, we run out of charge.

  • The Cove

    June 01, 2009

    The Cove

    Emotions are never in short supply during open-mic time. Although not many people knew this particular couple's past when the man grabbed the microphone, during the brief minutes that followed, they became part of a story they would never forget.

    With tears in his eyes and a quiver in his voice, the man explained to the crowd at the 2007 FCA Couples Getaway at The Cove that he and the woman next to him didn't really know how they got there.

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