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  • Neutral or High Gear?

    June 26, 2009


    If we made a list of hindrances to athletes today, what would it include? Drugs? Violence? Selfishness? Anger? Cheating? What if I said laziness was one of the top three hindrances to athletes? Some may disagree because of the intense training and conditioning of today’s athletes. I agree they are conditioned, ripped, and seem to be more physically conditioned than ever before, but I’m not talking about physical laziness.

    Hebrews 6:12 describes “lazy” as something dull, unexciting; something that is slow or has lost its momentum. In other words, not moving with the same velocity and aggressiveness it once had. This is a picture of someone who has lost his drive—like sitting in a sports car and only shifting the gear into neutral.

  • Run Your Race

    June 26, 2009


    Don’t worry about what every body else is doing! Stick to your game plan!

  • Extreme Mind Makeover

    June 25, 2009


    If you want real life change you may need an extreme makeover of the way you think!

  • Jesus - First Thing

    June 24, 2009


    Exercise in the morning is good. But time with Jesus is always best (and must be first)!

  • Tony Dungy with Ron Brown

    June 23, 2009


    Former Super Bowl champion coach Tony Dungy talks about life after retirement from the NFL.

  • #95 - StVRP - Lee Janzen, Fouad Faris, Tony Dungy & Les Steckel

    June 23, 2009


    Two-time U.S. Open golf champion Lee Janzen, FCA Regional Director for New England Fouad Faris, former Super Bowl champion coach Tony Dungy & FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Morning Workouts 2

    June 23, 2009


    3 Great Reasons to get your workout done first thing to start the day!

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