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  • GIGO

    April 19, 2009


    In college, my computer teacher taught me the acronym GIGO. It stands for “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” As athletes, we know that this phrase can relate to our bodies. If we fill ourselves with junk, junk will come out in the form of poor performance.

    The GIGO acronym is even more powerful when we apply it to our hearts. If we put garbage in our hearts, garbage comes out. Think about this: if a tube of toothpaste is squeezed, what comes out? Mustard? No, toothpaste comes out, because that is what was put in the tube.

  • #86 - StVRP - Mark Wilson, Gary Cramer, Mark Johnson & Les Steckel

    April 18, 2009


    PGA golfer Mark Wilson, FCA Chaplain for the University of Alabama Gary Cramer, Sam Houston State head baseball coach Mark Johnson & FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Mark Johnson with Ron Brown

    April 18, 2009


    Sam Houston State head baseball coach Mark Johnson talks about how the Bible shapes his life as a motivator and coach.

  • Read to Succeed

    April 18, 2009


    I remember playing football on the playground as an 8 year old. When I was quarterback, I only had one play—the “Hail Mary.” I would tell everyone, “Go long!” My friends would try to tell me they were open short, but I wouldn’t hear them. I wanted to go long on every play. Of course, going long back then was about 10 yards, maybe 15 if you had a good arm like mine. I would drop back to pass, fling the football as far as I could, and hope one of my teammates would come down with it. I thought any play that didn’t result in a touchdown was a failure. I didn’t care about field position or time of possession; I just wanted to score as fast as possible. Obviously, that wasn’t the best strategy for success.

  • The Fear of Failure

    April 17, 2009


    Below are a couple of email responses I sent recently to a college baseball coach when he asked me, “Does the Bible have anything to say about failure?”


    I’ve been thinking through the issue of failure and the Biblical examples of it, they’re all over the place.

  • Going Through the Motions

    April 17, 2009


    I recently met a girl. She had just moved to Kennesaw, Georgia, from Nashville, Tennessee. A friend wanted me to introduce her to the new city. We met and hung out for several nights. While talking on the phone one day, she said, “I am embarrassed to say that I am 25 years old and don’t really understand Jesus and the Bible.” We talked a little and I invited her to a Bible Study the next evening.

  • Mythbusters - I don’t have time for exercise

    April 17, 2009


    If you think you are too busy to exercise, think again!

  • Keys to Integrity

    April 16, 2009


    Maintaining integrity these days is one of the hardest jobs for us as Christians. You just look at the moral standing of our world and the stuff that you see on TV and all the things that young people are exposed to today. It was hard when I was in middle school and high school to stand firm on my principles. I can only imagine how much harder it is now. Christian values and Christian morals are getting increasingly further away from the norm in society. That’s why you have to cling to God and cling to the things that you know to be true in terms of the Word. You’ve got to find something like FCA to get involved with and try to find people who are like-minded with you.

  • Addiction

    April 16, 2009


    I fell in love with my wife in 1993. In 1999, I fell in love with our first child, Jaycee. Then, in 2002, a new love entered my life when I was tricked into running a marathon. And I have been addicted to long-distance running ever since. I have completed the Oklahoma City Marathon and the Gardens of the Gods 10-Miler. What is significant about this addiction is that I had absolutely no running history before 2002. In college I was an All-Conference, 305-pound offensive lineman. I once told a running back that if he ran more than 40 yards, he better have some sort of moves because I was done blocking after 40 yards. But, oddly, the running addiction has gotten a hold of me.

  • "Inside Out" Radio Commercials

    April 16, 2009


    We are excited to offer you new "Inside Out" camp radio commercials to help promote FCA Camps in your area.

    There are 4 different spots each with the "Inside Out" theme. There are options to choose a full 30-second spot with the FCA Camp phone number and website or a local 30-second spot that includes a 15-second tag for you to customize with local information.

    How to use them:

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