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  • Making a Mark (Excellence - Chapter 10)

    December 01, 2008


    By most accounts, Kay Yow shouldn’t be one of the greatest women’s basketball coaches of all time. History alone presents many reasons why her rise to legendary status was improbable at best.

  • Laying It On The Line (Excellence - Chapter 11)

    December 01, 2008


    Mixing faith and athletics has always been a tricky proposition. Some believe the two are inseparable, while others don’t think God has—or even cares to have—a place in the sports world.

    In 2001, the folks at Catholic Supply decided to throw their opinion into the public arena by releasing a series of statuettes that depict Jesus playing various sports (baseball, golf, tennis, hockey, and so forth) with adolescents. These figurines quickly became a big hit but also took plenty of shots from the media and the entertainment world—in particular from Conan O’Brien, who regularly included them in innocuous comedy bits on his late-night talk show.

  • Redefining Success (Excellence - Chapter 12)

    December 01, 2008


    When people think of excellence in higher education, Oxford University is often mentioned. That’s because some of the world’s most foundational philosophical ideas in government, religion, sociology, literature and business have been intellectually designed and developed by men and women who attended its various colleges. Luminaries such as John Wycliffe, Adam Smith, John Wesley, William Penn, J. R. R. Tolkien, T. S. Eliot, Margaret Thatcher and C. S. Lewis are just a few notables to have walked Oxford’s hallowed halls.

    But anyone who believes brilliance can only come from places like Oxford, Cambridge or perhaps places in America like MIT or the Ivy League schools fails to recognize the simplicity of wisdom.

  • #66 - StVRP - Darrell Stuckey, Sylvester Croom, Skip Holtz, Les Steckel

    November 29, 2008


    Kansas safety Darrell Stuckey, Mississippi State head football coach Sylvester Croom, East Carolina head football coach Skip Holtz and FCA President Les Steckel.

  • Exercise in a Pill

    November 28, 2008


    Is there really a pill you can take with the benefits of exercise?

  • What is the ONE THING?

    November 27, 2008


    Don’t you just want to know the ‘one thing’ you have to do to be healthy?

  • Wait

    November 26, 2008


    Wait. One of the worst words in the English language, isn’t it? That’s where I am right now. Waiting. It’s my senior volleyball season, and I’ve been out with a shoulder injury for over a week. There’s nothing I can really do but wait. Wait for recovery. Wait for my doctor’s appointment. Wait for my trainer to clear me to play.

    For me, all the waiting does is make me think about my injury, stress about missing games, and get anxious to play. I’m so tired of all this waiting! Are you? What are you waiting on? Waiting for a shoulder to heal might be trivial compared to what’s on your mind. A doctor’s diagnosis. A job offer. A way to pay the bills.

  • Just Tell Me What To Do!

    November 26, 2008


    Sometimes we just want somebody to spell it out for us!!

  • Too Much of a Good Thing?

    November 25, 2008


    Did you ever notice that too much of a good thing can become a very bad thing?

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