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  • Running the Race before Us

    November 24, 2008


    Edwin Moses glided fluidly over the track of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. He had no idea he was being watched by someone who had no idea who he was. The power of his stride captivated the observer who was dazzled. Though the spectator didn’t know the runner, he was awed by what he saw.

    The observer was playing tennis with a friend and asked, “Who is that?”

    ”That’s the Olympic hurdler Edwin Moses,” the friend said. “Allegedly he practices over here because Oglethorpe has the best track surface in the area.”

  • Enjoying or Indulging

    November 24, 2008


    Can I be healthy and still enjoy my food!?

  • #65 - StVRP - Josh Bidwell, Roy Williams, Jay Schroeder, Les Steckel

    November 22, 2008


    Tampa Bay Bucaneers punter Josh Bidwell, Dallas Cowboys safety Roy Williams, former NFL quarterback Jay Schroeder and FCA President Les Steckel.

  • An Honorable Man

    November 21, 2008


    The PGA Tour is a tough stage on which to perform. However, getting on the Tour is even tougher. “Q-School,” as it is called, is a tournament held in which hopeful players compete to make the cut and try to qualify for the following year’s Tour. One such player is J.P. Hayes. Hayes was not on Tour in 2008, but he is quite the accomplished golfer. As he played his second round at Q-School on the twelfth hole here is what happened according to the sports blog on Yahoo!:

  • Always Represent Jesus

    November 21, 2008


    Being a witness isn’t a part-time thing!

  • The Power of God

    November 20, 2008


    I have been on an amazing journey this year just watching God perform powerful miracles in my life. For those of you who have not read any of my previous Impact Plays, I am on a quest to be the first person with Multiple Sclerosis to compete in a NPC bodybuilding contest. And I am approaching my 50th birthday! 

  • Silence and Solitude

    November 20, 2008


    Take time to get away with Jesus so you can hear his voice!

  • More Than Winning Radio Commercials

    November 19, 2008


    We are excited to offer you a large range of radio spots to help promote FCA in your area.
    We have a variety of general spots as well as specialty spots promoting different aspects of our ministry.


  • OW2P Radio Commercials

    November 19, 2008


    We are excited to offer two new One Way 2 Play radio commercials.  The commercials feature Texas Ranger Josh Hamilton and Steve Fitzhugh.

    How to use them:
    1. Select the one(s) you want to air when you have a station in your area donating PSA’s/radio time to FCA. You can listen to them, and the station can download them from FCA Resources under Marketing. Scroll down to “Radio Spots.”

    2. Be proactive and call on a local station who might have a manager with a heart for FCA. Take your lap top or log on at the station to TeamNet. Let them listen to the spots and decide they want to air them!
    Suggested stations to contact:
    -Local Christian
    -Stations who air the local sports games and reports

  • It’s a Choice

    November 19, 2008


    Alexis is a talented basketball player. As an eighth grader, she played on the varsity team at one school. Others quickly saw her ability and soon began mistreating her. Coaches and teammates beat her down mentally, and she began to grow a root of bitterness deep inside of her. She suffered several injuries and even transferred schools, but her situation did not improve. The root grew deeper and deeper.

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