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  • Discipline

    October 25, 2012


    Did you ever notice that discipline and disciple share the same root word? The concepts are the same: surrendering ourselves to something or someone, similar to an athlete surrendering his will to a coach. Discipline is defined as instruction, correction and the training which molds, strengthens and improves character. It is also moral education obtained by the enforcement of obedience through supervision and control. Discipline is required is every area of sports. Athletes must be disciplined to run the correct plays and follow their coach’s instruction. They must also be disciplined by working hard in the weight room and taking good care of their bodies by eating properly and getting enough rest.

  • I Am Second: Bradie James

    October 25, 2012


  • Goal-Getter

    October 25, 2012


    One of the perks of being a college student is a three month summer break from school, but as a collegiate volleyball player, summer isn’t a time to take it easy. The spring offseason is an opportunity to build muscle, run faster and increase verticals, but all that hard work is for nothing if I chose to be lazy all summer. When August rolls around I have to report for two-a-days, and my work over the summer will be evaluated by a stopwatch, measuring stick and bench press bar. I have to set goals to accomplish and improve over the summer, otherwise I will lose motivation and not perform at my highest level.

  • Signs of Forgiveness

    October 25, 2012


  • Secret Formula

    October 25, 2012


    Every season, coaches and players alike try to figure out the “secret formula” for winning a championship. Throughout my years as a player and coach, I’ve learned that every championship team has one thing in common. That one thing is not talent, it’s not size and it’s not intelligence. Time and time again, the common denominator of a championship team is a servant heart. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to believers. Even Jesus, the King of Kings, spent His entire life serving others. Sometimes He served others by listening to them. Sometimes He encouraged them. Sometimes He washed their feet. Ultimately, He served us all by dying on the cross.

  • The Wrong Crowd

    October 25, 2012


  • Win-Win Situation

    October 25, 2012


    During the 2012 Summer Olympics, the world watched as US athlete Gabby Douglas claimed gold in the all-around portion of the gymnastics competition after anchoring the team’s run to a gold medal two nights before. When interviewed immediately after the competition, Douglas flashed her trademark smile, then displayed a depth of maturity rarely seen: "I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and the blessings fall down on me."

  • Club Paradise

    October 25, 2012


  • Alligator Arms

    October 25, 2012


    As the quarterback drops back and throws, the receiver hesitantly extends his arms toward to the ball. Sensing a defensive player closing in, he’s not eager to complete the catch. His focus is more on protecting himself from the defense’s attack. In situations like this, when a receiver demonstrates partial effort in catching a ball, it can be said he has “alligator arms.” And likewise, our faith can be like having “alligator arms.” At times, we fail to take full advantage of our opportunities to grow in our relationship with Christ or share our faith with others because we are afraid of what the costs may be. We let fear of circumstances control us, because we prefer to stay safe in our “comfort zone” rather than stretching ourselves and trusting in God.

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