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  • Huddle Leadership Team Models

    October 06, 2009


    Download this PDF that covers the Huddle Leadership Team Model

  • Obstacles and Opportunities

    October 06, 2009


    When you walk onto a court to play a game, do you immediately think that you’re going to lose or that you’re going to win? Do you stare at your opponents while they warm up and begin to wonder why you even laced up your Nikes, or do you focus on giving your all? Do you see obstacles, or do you see opportunities?

    In Numbers 13, the spies were sent into Canaan to check out the land. God had already given them great victories in battle and rescued them from tough situations. During the 40 days that they were evaluating the land, they could have seen a great opportunity, but they didn’t.

  • Contact Us

    October 05, 2009


    If you are having problems with the Campus101 website or have questions about the website, please fill out the form below.
    We will respond within 24-48 hours.

  • Team - Plan

    October 05, 2009

    Team - Plan
    • Secure day, time, and location of team bible study. 
    • Recruit a bible study leader or facilitator. 
    • Develop a bible study plan with timeline and specific lessons outlined. 
    • Organize a weekly study agenda.
    • Plan an initial study that introduces FCA, explains what the study is about and the importance of commitment and confidentiality.


  • Huddle Meeting Agenda Form

    October 05, 2009


    The Huddle Meeting Agenda Form is a great resource to plan each individual huddle meeting. It is available in Word or PDF.

  • Huddle Ministry Model

    October 05, 2009


    The Huddle Ministry Model (4x9) Form helps give you a ministry “road-map” for the semester. It is available in PDF and Word.

  • Student Leader Application

    October 05, 2009


    Download the FCA Student Leader Application available in two formats, PDF or Word.

  • Who Leads?

    October 05, 2009

    Who Leads?

    Adult & Student Leaders

    1. A commitment to Christ
    2. A commitment to Sport
    3. A commitment to Campus
    4. A commitment to FCA

    Student -Athlete Responsibilities:

  • See the Light

    October 04, 2009


    When I played football as an 8 year old, I remember parents pulling their cars up and shining their lights on the field when practice ran late. As players, we saw the light.

    As athletes we need to SEE the light. SEE stands for Sleep, Eat, and Exercise. This kind  of light deals with our God-created bodies. Many competitors train hard on the field, but not off it. As true  competitors, we need to get enough sleep, eat right, and exercise properly. These three physical anchors are extremely important.

    When trying to SEE the light, we need to ask:

    “How much sleep do I need?” Since the physical affects the spiritual and emotional, if we do not sleep, other areas of life will suffer. When we are tired, we cannot be the athletes God desires.

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