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  • Body at War

    November 22, 2010

    Body at War

    Have you ever wondered why we are so competitive as athletes and coaches? Why when we get onto the playing field we take on a whole new persona? The competitive nature to win comes out in us all. We sacrifice for the team! We lay down that bunt or make the block so that the rest of the team can rejoice in the victory.

    Our flesh is competitive, but so is our Spirit. In Galatians 5, Paul talks about this very thing. Our flesh and our Spirit are at war with each other. The things of God are always and will always be completely different from the things of the flesh.

  • Troubled Waters

    November 21, 2010


    Jeff Hart, a retired offensive tackle for the Baltimore Colts, knew that in order to be able to handle the opposing linemen, he needed to concentrate on every play. After breaking from the huddle, Jeff would look at the goalpost in the end zone, which symbolized for him the cross of Christ and reminded him of who he was really serving. He would then commit the next play to an audience of One. This focus and devotion allowed Jeff to play at his best and helped him to keep perspective. Whether professional or not, every athlete and coach faces a variety of challenges. Adversity comes to all of us at some point in life and requires that we focus on what is most important. Whether it’s a difficult situation with a player or a series of losses, we will have struggles.

  • Time Out

    November 16, 2010


    When our athletes become unnerved, out of breath, and in need of a break, we know it’s time to reenergize, refocus, reward, and reassure. Something as simple as a water break helps players reenergize and get going again. They are thirsty for water, just as our thirst for God requires that we take time-outs to be reenergized by Jesus Christ.

  • Where Is Your Heart?

    November 15, 2010

    Where Is Your Heart?

    "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
    -Matthew 6:21

  • Producing Winners

    November 12, 2010


    This was my first year ever as a football coach. I was unsure of what to expect, but I went into the season with one goal: being satisfied not with producing a winning record, but with producing winning athletes.

    Billy Graham once stated that one coach would influence more people in one year than the average person would in a lifetime. This was an idea I took to heart. At the beginning of the season, I had no idea who my players were or what their backgrounds were like, but I did know one thing: while they were on my team they were going to learn not only about football, but about life and God.

  • Bible Reference Handout

    November 11, 2010

    Bible Reference Handout

     A three-page handout, with Bible verses arranged by topic.

    Similar to the listings in the FCA Bible, this handout is great for high school and college huddles as well as for coaches and volunteers.

    Browse the online list below with automatic verse references when you place your mouse over the verses.

    Or, download the PDF using the "Download" button at the bottom of the screen.

    Where To Look When You...

  • The Race

    November 10, 2010


    Perhaps more than anyone else, we coaches can appreciate the athletic imagery used in the Bible. The writer of Hebrews encourages his readers to “run the race” that is set before them, and from his words we can draw four encouragements as we run the spiritual race of faith set before us.

  • The Path

    November 08, 2010


    Too often as coaches we feel we know the right way—the right way to go. If we would stop and think of these verses, we might take a different path. Since we are coaches, others look to us for leadership, and we might be leading in the wrong direction. We might let our bias get in the way of seeing the real potential of student athletes. We may only see what we think they can do for our career or our team instead of how the Lord is looking at them.

  • Counting on God

    November 08, 2010


    Sam is a promising, young basketball player. He has all the skills necessary in order to play varsity at his school, but recent injuries and other setbacks have gotten in the way of his hoop dreams. In fact, he just found out he has a stress fracture in his shin, which is news that, at 16, can be heartbreaking. Even though Sam has an unbelievable support system at home, this setback has been incredibly difficult for him to handle.

    In life, there aren’t many guarantees. We may have the best game of our life today and then have the worst tomorrow. The only thing we can do is obey our calling to be faithful and do our best for God’s glory.

  • The One

    November 07, 2010


    The first thing anyone asks a coach is, “How are things with your team?” When someone meets me and finds out that I am a coach, he usually asks, “Is your team good?” When I walk down the street after a game, people stop me to say, “Great win coach!” I always have a quick response, sharing all of the positive things that are going on in our program and painting our team in the best light.

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