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  • Around the Horn

    May 07, 2009

    Around the Horn

    One is a respected veteran rounding out an All-Star career. One is making a mid-career transition to the Arizona desert. One is a rising star coming off his first season in the majors.

    Three men, all at different points in their game. Three men, all at different points in their faith. But three men, all with great insight on Christ and baseball.

    Take note: This is wisdom from three of the most stand-up infielders in the game.

  • If you have to ask...

    May 07, 2009

    I have a patch with the IronMan Triathlon symbol in the center. Around the outside it reads, “If you have to ask, you wouldn’t understand.” There’s a certain truth to that statement. I know; I’ve asked. I did one, and now I know. But it is something you can’t understand until you have been there and had a chance to look at it from the other side of the mirror, so to speak. 

  • Enjoy

    May 07, 2009


    My morning run had been a battle of both mind and body. It had been incredibly cold outside--below freezing--and being pre-dawn, it wasn't the best time of day for speed work. I'd been frustrated for most of the way, asking my muscles to wake up and run faster when all they wanted to do was go back to bed.

  • Biggest Loser - You Gotta Work

    May 07, 2009


    Make no mistake…getting healthy takes work!

  • Fit 4 Ever: Training Day

    May 06, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Training Day

    One of the reasons Olympic athletes are so successful is that they are constantly training for an event. They spend most of their lives training for future competition. In fact, most athletes spend more than 90 percent of their time training for competition and less than 10 percent actually competing.

    They train with tremendous focus and purpose because every day is important. Missed workouts are not an option. They have a goal in sight, which serves as a motivator and constant reminder that they need to stay on track if they are going to have future success.

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