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  • Our Expectation

    February 13, 2013


    Expectations are everywhere. In sports, every person has expectations, most of which go unmet. There are so many expectations and so much disappointment when they are not met.

    Dr. Joe Stowell spoke recently about expectations. He shared three areas in which we deal with unmet expectations: people around us, our place in life, and the future. We tend to create expectations each day that set us up for potential problems.

  • Who’s in Control?

    February 12, 2013


    Football is a physical game and requires self-control by coaches and players. We know there are consequences when someone loses the ability to control himself or herself. When a coach or a player loses the ability to control his or her emotions, everybody loses. Not only is the one who lost control penalized, but so is the team.

    As coaches, we are to be examples of self-control for our players and fellow coaches. It is very easy to allow our emotions to get the best of us at practice or during a game. The situation that causes us to lose it could be a controversial call by a referee, a blown assignment by a player, or something that we have absolutely no control over. The situation is not the important thing; it is how we respond.

  • Doing a Great Work

    February 11, 2013


    Coach Jones’s team lost a couple of games that had seemed like sure wins, and the wolves were howling for a change. Coach Jones had allowed his disappointment to turn to discouragement, and he was feeling pretty low. Right about that time a friend came to him and quoted Samuel Johnson: “Great works are not accomplished by strength, but by perseverance.” His friend added, “You are doing a great work and it’s a lot bigger than football.

  • Godly Living

    February 10, 2013


    Ever wonder what it takes to live a godly lifestyle in a Major League Baseball clubhouse? According to MLB stars Andy Pettitte, Brian Roberts and Luke Scott, it takes courage, strength, accountability and faith.

    Today, instead of reading a 4-minute devotion, watch one! Check out STV magazine’s online video to learn how these three athletes stand strong for the Lord in a faith-challenging environment. Simply click on the video link below, then answer the questions and read the related Scripture verses. Finish by praying and asking God to help you live a lifestyle that brings Him glory in every way.


  • For

    February 09, 2013


    I live for glory—not the everyday, ordinary glory from people or things, but glory from God. It is easy as athletes and coaches to get caught up in receiving glory, because it comes from so many sources. A recent FCA theme was “For the Glory.” An easy way for me to remember to give God the glory is to break down the theme into FOR—Focus, Obey, and Reflect.

    Focus: My focus as an athlete determines my destiny. It is a daily battle to be either a “me monster” or a “God pleaser.” Hebrews 12:2 encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus. When we focus on Jesus, the glory will go to Him, not us.

  • Training for the Rain

    February 08, 2013

    Training for the Rain

    A few days ago, I went out for a long training run. It wasn't a particularly pretty day, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to the run ahead of me. About four miles in, it started to drizzle. A mile later, it was raining. I found myself looking around realizing that I was the only one out there running in the weather. My mind started to harp on how miserable it was, how much longer I had to go, and how I could probably just take a shortcut and go home. Then I felt God speak to me.

  • Wash Their Feet

    February 07, 2013


    What happens when we get asked a question we are not prepared to answer? If you are anything like me, one of two things happen. The first option could be your heart beats rapidly and you blabber incoherently for a few seconds in an effort to form an answer. The other option is to pause, take a deep breath, and calmly say what is on your heart. By the Lord's grace, I experienced the latter recently.

    While preparing for an upcoming presentation on Leadership and Career Development to a group of aspiring young athletic professionals, I was blindsided by a question in a conference call with the symposium leader.

  • For The Glory

    February 07, 2013


    As a competitor, it is hard to give glory where glory is due, when others deserve it more than we do. Training, discipline, perseverance, and drive are all characteristics that can propel an athlete to the next level, making good athletes into great athletes.

    But often after achieving a goal, we feel that it is our hard work that got us to that point. The praise, honor, and glory are focused on us as individual athletes.

    Part of FCA’s Competitor’s Creed states:

    “I do not trust in myself.
I do not boast in my abilities

    or believe in my own strength.
I rely solely on the power of God.

    I compete for the pleasure of
my Heavenly Father, the honor of Christ

    and the reputation of the Holy Spirit.”

  • The Truth about God

    February 06, 2013


    How could God be both human and divine at the same time? This is an impossible question to answer from a purely human perspective, but the Bible provides us with all the answers we need as the Holy Spirit applies it to our hearts and minds. Understanding great truths like the incarnation and the Trinity is impossible for us. We often try to find ways to explain what God is like, but our explanations are never complete since our minds cannot grasp how amazing God is.

  • 2012 Interactive Annual Report

    February 05, 2013

    2012 Interactive Annual Report

    The 2012 Ministry Report digital version features ministry impact, financial information and highlights, as well as allowing readers to take a deeper look inside the Fellowship of Christian Athletes through links to stories and videos that share testimonies of how God is using FCA to grow His Kingdom through FCA’s Four Cs of ministry – coaches, campus, camps and community – as well as its international ministry.

    The digital version features links to videos highlighting the year in ministry, plus videos about FCA President/CEO Les Steckel and prominent professional and college athletes sharing their faith. It also delivers spotlight stories about:

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