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  • What's Your Delilah?

    August 04, 2009

    All athletes start a sport with the best of intentions. They want to work hard, stay disciplined and become better. However, at times, athletes become distracted and allow themselves to be sidetracked or pulled away from their goals. Too many times they look back and wonder what happened to their good intentions and make excuses. But pride, selfishness and other factors are usually to blame.
    Samson was a great man. He was focused, driven and he had the best of intentions, wanting to serve the Lord. However, he had one major distraction: Delilah. She tried everything she could do to sidetrack him from his faith, his pursuits and his walk. Eventually, she got him to cut his hair. Thus, Samson lost his strength and ultimately his life.

  • Heart of an Athlete: Rennie Curran

    August 04, 2009

    Heart of an Athlete: Rennie Curran

    Chosen Attribute: Resilience

    Dictionary definition: "The ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change."

    My definition: "Bouncing back and keeping an optimistic attitude, knowing that you can be successful no matter how hard you fall."

  • Following His Lead

    August 04, 2009


    More than two years ago, I was feeling concerned about the fact that two of my teenage boys were not plugged into a Christian group. Demanding sports schedules were a contributing factor. A ministry like FCA would be perfect, my husband and I thought.

    As we began to pray, we thought about starting an FCA Huddle at our sons' high school. I was very excited, but then it became clear that my husband's schedule was not going to allow him to join me in this new adventure. Just like that, I was the leader — instead of assistant.

  • Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    August 03, 2009

    Fit 4 Ever: Reputation or Reality?

    Last year, Americans spent nearly $12 billion on cosmetic procedures to change their outward appearances. And all of that during one of the worst economic downturns our nation has ever seen.

    It absolutely amazes me what we are willing to do in order to look outwardly younger, skinnier or even happier. But the reality is that, if the inside is ugly and our hearts are troubled, nothing we do to cover it up will change our inner reality.

    While most of us may not resort to surgery to improve our appearances, we have all "put on a happy face" or said all the right things even when we were miserable on the inside. But please hear me on this: Lasting change always happens from the inside out.

  • Carpe Diem

    August 03, 2009


    Throughout the time that my dad was ill, the one saying he continually said was, “Enjoy every moment that we spend with each other, and take life day by day.” I accepted his challenge, and we enjoyed our last year together on this earth with great passion and enthusiasm. We got to fit so much into a year, and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.

  • Pair of Aces

    August 03, 2009

    Pair of Aces

    They were highly recruited freshmen on the UCLA volleyball team when they first met — one a shy high-school standout, who quietly went about her business; the other a gregarious, fun-loving star, who quickly made friends with everyone she met.

    Annett Davis and Jenny Johnson Jordan had never talked before their time as teammates at UCLA, but they certainly knew of each other.

  • Living Inside Out

    August 03, 2009

    Living Inside Out

    As athletes and coaches, we understand the meaning of discipline. Our lives are filled with early morning workouts and late nights in the gym. We sacrifice whatever it takes to reach our goals. We know that if we work harder than our opponents, we have a better chance of winning.

  • Born to Lead

    August 03, 2009

    Born to Lead

    Every week, it seems like a new moral or ethical shortcoming tarnishes the reputation of yet another sports superstar. There's no need to name names or the charges. Enough ink has already been used reporting the allegations.

    For better or worse, sports today provide one of the most visible platforms for modeling behavior. Yet, not everyone who stands on the pedestal wants the responsibility that comes with it. Some athletes even recoil at the idea of being a role model.

    Still, there are others who give us hope. Men like University of Florida senior quarterback Tim Tebow, who welcomes and embraces the opportunity to make a positive impact.

  • The Water of Life

    July 31, 2009

    Water is important. Throughout the ages, it has been a vital part of human culture. Look at the most ancient civilizations, like Egypt, and they are guaranteed to be built around water.
    Now look at your life as an athlete. More than likely, you also have to build your athletic program in some way around water so that you won't get thirsty or dehydrated. It may not be a river, or a pool, but I'm sure there's at least a water bottle involved.

  • Health Change #10 - Get Moving

    July 31, 2009


    If you want to be healthy, you have to be physically active!

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