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    March 05, 2013


    They are rare and very hard to come by, but every once in a while, you can spot one. There aren’t too many in locker rooms or on ball fields, but, once they are identified, they stick out BIG TIME! When a “VRP” is around, you feel like a million bucks. They just have a way of making you feel special. What is a VRP? It is a Very Refreshing Person. These people breathe life into the ordinary and transform it. As lifters, they have an ability to bless others and bring words of encouragement.

  • Stephen Curry

    March 04, 2013

  • Constructive Criticism

    March 04, 2013


    Nobody likes to be criticized, and athletics is full of criticism. Whether it’s from players, coaches, parents, or fans, any coach on any level has had to deal with the “critic.”

  • Point of View

    March 03, 2013


    Most of us have known a teammate with a glaring weakness. Maybe a part of his/her game was incomplete. Maybe it was a character flaw. Did we make that weakness his/her defining characteristic? Paul wrote, “From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way.” That could paraphrase like this, “So from now on, I will not let someone’s personal weakness be that person’s defining characteristic.” Just as we shouldn’t focus on a person’s physical limitations, we should have the same attitude when dealing with commitments. I’m committed to praying for others and encouraging them when they act wisely and when

  • Motion Less, Live More

    March 02, 2013


    It can be easy to go through the motions. Lifting weights, practices, even games—the monotony of daily routines makes it hard not to get lost in the familiar. We start operating on autopilot, much like in driving when we become so familiar with the route that we mentally tune out. It can be that way at the end of the day. What if, instead, we gave everything? What if we didn’t arrive at our destination or the end of the day wondering how we got there, but really gave our all to experience life? Then we could live a life of no regrets, not wondering if there could have been more.

  • A Bad Seed or a Shining Star?

    March 01, 2013


    Pride is a state of mind vital for any champion to have—pride in yourself, your accomplishments, your team, and your school. But there is a flip side to pride—boasting and self-interest that can bring a championship-caliber team to its knees. So how does a coach ensure his or her team does not fall into the negative state of pride? Humility. Webster defines humility as modesty in self-examination and humbleness. For a Christian, the definition is simpler—to become like Christ. Jesus had every opportunity to boast and brag. After all, he was the Son of God.

  • Portland Impact

    February 28, 2013


    Watch how God is using FCA to make His name great in the least-churched city in America, Portland Oregon.

  • Leave Your Mark

    February 28, 2013


    One of my favorite childhood memories came on my eleventh birthday, March 15, 1972. I received a gift that would set me head and shoulders above everyone else in the neighborhood. It was something that would make me the envy of all my friends. I received the coolest bicycle in the world—a real “big boy” bike. I’m telling you, it was so shiny and bright! It had a white frame with a blue glitter banana  seat, blue glitter handles, and tassels. It was indeed the envy of all my friends. To top it off, it had blue tires. That  bike made me the coolest kid in the neighborhood.

  • In Joy

    February 27, 2013


    Athletics are full of emotion. Excitement, enthusiasm, disappointment, happiness and joy are all part of the competitive experience. Paul reminded Christians at Philippi to rejoice in the Lord, and the message is the same for us today. But we live in a difficult world with real battles. As John 10:10 tells us, “A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy.” What is the thief after? Not anything that can be seen in the physical—no, he wants to steal the joy in our hearts.

  • Who Are You?

    February 25, 2013

    Who Are You?

    As a student-athlete in high school, the only thing that I liked about myself was my basketball ability. My self-worth was based completely on my performance on the court. Although I knew Christ, it took a lot of painful losing and poor performances for me once I got to college to realize that my self-worth was very skewed.

    After I began to read the Bible more, I realized that none of the verses showed that God loved me any less based on my performance. I did, however, find many verses based on how God viewed me as His child.

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