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  • DETOX: Oprah-Style

    September 26, 2008


    While a health “detox” can help restore vibrant health, don’t follow in Oprah’s footsteps!

  • Bad Genetics? Excuse #3

    September 25, 2008


    Does your health really all come down to Genetics? C’mon, are you serious?

  • What Is Your Threshhold?

    September 24, 2008


    How do you know if you should exercise harder? Well our bodies are usually willing and able to do whatever we believe they can do!

  • Radio Commercials

    September 23, 2008


    We are excited to offer you a large range of radio spots to help promote FCA in your area.
    We have a variety of general spots as well as specialty spots promoting different aspects of our ministry.

    How to use them:

    1. Select the one(s) you want to air when you have a station in your area donating PSA’s/radio time to FCA. We include a single .ZIP file with all of the ads.
    2. Be proactive and call on a local station who might have a manager with a heart for FCA.

    Suggested stations to contact:

  • Use It or Lose It

    September 23, 2008


    Our bodies are meant to move! So if you don’t get moving, you will lose your health.

  • Inspire Somebody!

    September 22, 2008


    Have you ever stopped to consider that YOU can be an inspiration to others?

  • #56 - StVRP - Jason Elam, Bill Buckley and Ron Curll

    September 20, 2008


    Atlanta Falcons kicker Jason Elam, FCA Area Director in Southern Mississippi Bill Buckley, Paralympian Ron Curll, FCA President Les Steckel

  • Back 2 School - Kids & Snacks!

    September 19, 2008


    The right snacks can keep your kids focused and on-task!

  • Back 2 School - Kids & Lunch - Eat This!

    September 18, 2008


    What you pack for lunch builds performance and lifelong habits!

  • Back 2 School - Kids & Breakfast - Eat This!

    September 17, 2008


    The right breakfast can set you and your kids up for success!

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