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  • Growth, Optional

    March 01, 2014


    Last weekend I attended a three-day coaching clinic. It's always exciting, rejuvenating, and enlightening to listen to accomplished coaches explain their football "x's and o's." I always leave with more knowledge than when I arrived.

    The day after the clinic I heard a sermon about bearing fruit and how the Lord expects us to grow spiritually. We all have to age physically, but growth and spiritual maturity are optional. In my life, I see such parallels between coaching and our spiritual walk, and between this clinic and the sermon.

  • Board Training Powerpoint

    February 28, 2014


    Download the Leadership Board Training Powerpoint which includes information on developing leadership boards for FCA staff. This can be a helpful tool when coupled with the Leadership Board Manual.

    Please note this presentation is 500mb and will take some time to download.

    In addition - Apple Quicktime is required for the videos to play on a PC. Download and install it here if your videos will not play.

  • FCA Huddle Overview

    February 28, 2014


  • Presentation Video

    February 28, 2014

    Presentation Video

    Learn about the over 60 year history of the FCA ministry in this new updated and expanded video.

    Looking for the Previous Presentation Videos? - 2010  | 2011 | 2012-2013

  • 2014-2015 Camp Video

    February 28, 2014


  • The Priceless Gift of Serving!

    February 28, 2014


    Most people think that serving is the same as service, but I believe that there is a huge difference between the two. Service is something we pay for or something we might come to expect at a restaurant or at a gas station. But serving goes deeper. Serving deals with heart issues, involves sacrifice and meets real needs. We don’t pay for serving, though it can be costly.

    Christ did not come to give good service. He came to serve. Athletes are not required to give good service to their teammates, but Christian athletes are called to serve. Coaches who follow the greatest servant who ever lived also have the privilege of serving their teams, not just providing a service to them.

  • Leadership Board Manual

    February 27, 2014

    Download this manual if you are serving on a local FCA Leadership Board. This PDF covers a wide variety of information about the FCA ministry including:
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1: Knowing the Fellowship of Christian Athletes
    • Chapter 2: Power of the Board
    • Chapter 3: Role, Purpose and Expectations of the Board
    • Chapter 4: Structure of the Board
    • Chapter 5: Resources for the Board

  • 2014 President's Weekend

    February 27, 2014


    Selections from the 2014 President's Weekend.

    *Each link is an MP3 download

  • Beyond the Bases

    February 27, 2014


    Playing softball was like breathing.

    Effortless, natural, a piece of me woven so tightly inside it sunk into my soul and became a source of life. It was born in my veins and tethered in my family’s history, a part of my destiny.

  • A Winning Recipe

    February 26, 2014


    I like to cook, and I like simple recipes. For example: open can; pour contents into pan; heat until hot; serve in bowl. Now that's my kind of recipe. Coach Lou Holtz gave the recipe of a winner when he said, "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Ability,motivation and attitude are all ingredients of a winner, and they cannot be omitted or substituted.

    Likewise, Peter gave us the recipe for effective Christian living. The two main ingredients the Lord provides are His power (2 Peter 1:3) and His promises (v. 4). As we mix His power and promises into our believing and living, He'll strengthen our ability, inspire our motivation and empower our attitude.

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