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  • Dan Ellis and Ron Brown

    May 02, 2009


    Nashville Predators goalie Dan Ellis discusses the challenges and opportunities of being a Christ-follower in the NHL.

  • #88 - StVRP - Dan Ellis, Josh Davis, Brian McNeely & Les Steckel

    May 02, 2009


    Nashville Predators goalie Dan Ellis, former Olympic Gold Medal swimmer Josh Davis, former college football coach Brian McNeely & FCA President Les Steckel.

  • The Red Button

    May 02, 2009


    Ever notice how easy it is to stop a treadmill? All you have to do is press the “stop” button. It’s right there in the center of the panel in bright red. It’s genius! But that simple red button is also a glaring source of temptation. It begs to be pushed when the run gets too long, the legs get heavy, or the mind gets bored. In fact, that tiny button can do major damage to a training program if we give in to the temptation to push it.

    Every day, we as Christians face temptations from the enemy. Generally, he doesn’t waste time hiding them from us. He throws them right in our faces—kind of like red stop buttons in the middle of our running path with Christ.

  • Do as I Say, Not as I Do

    May 01, 2009


    Our actions always speak louder than words!

  • Deny the Flesh 2

    April 30, 2009


    We are told from every angle not to deny yourself anything! Does this really work?

  • Living in a World of Complainers

    April 29, 2009


    If you listen to people, being thankful is not a very common attitude. They complain about their classes, their jobs, their practice schedules, their parents (or kids), their friends, the weather, their teammates, and on and on it goes. In the world, it is easy to complain because everybody does it. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are called to be thankful. That is no easy task when everyone around us is doing the opposite. It is just easier to fall in with them and do the same thing.  

  • Deny the Flesh

    April 29, 2009


    We don’t like to be deprived of anything - but is that really a recipe for success?

  • What do You want from me?

    April 28, 2009


    Michael has the potential to be a good player, but he gets so frustrated with his game. He doesn’t understand why his coach always wants him to change his shot and other parts of his game. Finally, he had a talk with his coach. Suddenly things became clear to him, and his improvement took off. His coach simply told Michael what he needed to do in order to get better and how those changes would help him in years to come.

  • Training

    April 28, 2009


    What does it mean to train for Godliness?

  • The Right Way

    April 27, 2009


    Sometimes we think we are doing the right thing only to find out we were really off track!

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