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  • I’m Tired . . . He’s Not

    October 07, 2005


    When David wrote this instructive psalm, he was in trouble. He was most likely cowering in a hole dug deeply into a hill, hiding from enemies that were pursuing him. He was lonely, desperate and in need of help. As he hid from his adversaries, he felt out of control and uncertain of the future. So David implored the Lord for guidance, acknowledging in this time of distress that his trust and confidence had to come from God.

  • The Coaching Field . . . Our Mission Field

    October 07, 2005


    Competition is an obvious part of the coaching life, resulting in either winning or losing. But God’s Word reminds us not to get so caught up in the results that we forget to take care of the flock—the athletes—who have been put under our watch.

    Of course, we all want to win. Yet if we forget that we’re really working toward an imperishable crown (as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:25), then we’ve lost sight of why we’re coaching in the first place. In other words, just as we live our lives to please the Good Shepherd, so too should we coach our players with the same goal. In the process, we’ll serve as examples to the sheep. 

  • Making a Contribution

    October 07, 2005


    In a recent survey, managers and employees were asked what aspects of their job were most important to them. The results uncovered that while the managers focused on things such as job security and benefits, the employees simply wanted to know that they were contributing—that what they were doing made a difference.

  • The Little Things

    October 07, 2005


    One of my favorite things about John Wooden’s coaching was that he taught his players each year to put on their socks and tie their shoes properly. You’d think college-aged athletes could already do this, but Wooden took nothing for granted. He paid attention to the little things, which made the big things come more easily for his teams over the years.

    Of course, Coach Wooden wanted to teach his players a lesson: If they were going to play in his program, they had to put aside what they wanted to do and follow his plans for the team. That discipline in the small things gave his teams great results, as they won 10 national championships and set an example for the rest of us how the little things make the biggest difference.

  • Focus

    October 07, 2005


    Homecoming week can strike fear into the heart of a coach. There’s the dance, the pep assembly, the class competitions and, of course, the game, which is often the last to be mentioned. Although our players know better, all the festivities can distract them. It’s a challenge to help them stay focused and arrive at the game ready to play. I admit, some seasons it causes me not to see straight.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 15

    October 06, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    Asking God to settle your heart
    Maybe listening to worship music
    Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 16

    October 05, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 17

    October 04, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 18

    October 03, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    Asking God to settle your heart
    Maybe listening to worship music
    Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

  • Fields of Faith 21.5 Days with God - Day 19

    October 01, 2005



    Begin by thanking God for the new day and then ask Him to help you learn from what you read. Prepare yourself by:

    • Clearing your mind and being quiet before the Lord
    • Asking God to settle your heart
    • Maybe listening to worship music
    • Asking God for a teachable heart


    Read the chapter below. You can either read below or read your physical Bible. Read it slowly, take it all in.


    Ask yourself the following questions after reading your chapter for the day. Write your answers down in a journal or notebook you can use just for your time with God.

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