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  • Eyes of Pride

    February 01, 2011

    Eyes of Pride

    I knew nothing but pain. My legs burned as I strode faster. My lungs felt the fire rage inside of them as I lost control of my breathing. I closed my eyes looking for relief. I found none. My arms burned from the strain of trying to go faster, trying to finish sooner. The pulse of my heart continued to pound in my head, each beat shaking me down, trying to lower me. The doubts tried forcing me to slow, but I did not. It grabbed my heart and told me that I’m done! I did not listen. This race was no longer about me, no longer about my team or my family. I ran to prove to God that I had the strength to continue on. No one knew where I found it. This stronghold. This bedrock. The iron will in my heart that kept me going.

  • 2011 Camp Powerpoint Template

    January 28, 2011

    2011 Camp Powerpoint Template

    What does this contain? It contains the four day themes and multiple color schemes. You must have Microsoft Powerpoint or software that can open a .PPT file.

    The file comes with:
    - Game Changer Title Slides
    - Daily Camp Theme Slides
    - Blank Game Changer Slides

    In Powerpoint, use "Ctrl + D" to duplicate a slide or press the "delete" key to remove unwanted slides.

  • 2011 Leadership Camp Ads

    January 28, 2011

    Download and modify the official camp promotional ads for the 2011 Game Changer Camp season. Bible Poster, Soccer Poster, Volleyball Poster

  • Where do we go from here?

    January 25, 2011


    Leach, Leavitt, Mangino…Arenas, McGwire, Woods...These are just a few of the last names that have been in the sports pages recently for unbecoming conduct. Coaches who have reportedly lost their control both verbally and physically, and players who have reportedly lost their judgment, integrity and character. All of these men have fallen short of the standards set by their schools and teams and short of the vows by which they agreed they would live and coach.

  • Terry Dyck

    January 24, 2011


    Terry Dyck, head coach at Briercrest College in Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada, talks about his faith on and off of the ice.


  • Get Your Game Face On

    January 23, 2011


    I was blessed to be able to baptize my daughter in our church a couple of years ago, and since that time I have paid close attention to her spiritual walk. I am a coach, and am used to observing commitment in sports being followed by an intense and disciplined approach to attaining goals. A side effect of my chosen profession is that I tend to view most things in life through the grid of a coach. Spiritual disciplines are no different to me than some others. No excuses! Get to it!

  • Let It Go

    January 21, 2011


    Coming out of high school, Jeremy had a promising pitching career ahead of him. He went to a school close to his home and figured he would become their ace on the mound. But things didn’t happen quite so easily. As Jeremy explained, “I lost it. I couldn’t find the plate. I thought I was done.”

    They were tough words to swallow for a rising star. He was afraid his career as a pitcher was over. Jeremy had only one place to turn.

    In the Bible, we find that David knew this situation all too well. Many times in his life, David had to let go of his fears, let go of his pride, and let go of his sin in order to let God do a healing process. In these situations, David did what we all should do: He cried out to God for help.

  • Coaching the Red Raiders

    January 20, 2011


    Texas Tech coaches Tommy Tuberville (football), Tom Stone (soccer), Shanon Hays (softball), Kristy Curry (women's basketball), and Wes Kittley (track) share how they coach God's way.  

  • Be Thankful

    January 20, 2011


    In today’s world many people seem to have forgotten about this wonderful word "thankful." Some of us are thankful when times are good, but as soon as anything bad creeps into our lives, this word tends to be thrown to the curb.

    There are many things in life that just do not go the way we think they will, but we must remember that this is God’s path for us. I know that when the going gets tough it’s hard to be thankful, but God says to give thanks in all circumstances.

  • 2011 Camp Ads

    January 18, 2011

    2011 Camp Ads

    Download and modify the official camp promotional ads for the 2011 Game Changer Camp season.

    Bible Poster, Soccer Poster, Volleyball Poster

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