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  • Detroit Lions

    November 01, 2007


  • God's Fingerprints

    October 30, 2007

    Game four of the 2007 World Series featured a pitching match-up of two men who had faced more pressure than their current big stage could offer. Jon Lester of the Boston Red Sox and Aaron Cook of the Colorado Rockies both had life-threatening illnesses they had to overcome in order to make it to the pinnacle of baseball. "I don't think it's a coincidence," Rockies manager Clint Hurdle said. "I think this game drips with irony. I believe in a lot of different venues that God's fingerprints are all over a lot of things if we are able to open our eyes and recognize it."

  • Miscommunication

    October 29, 2007

    Have you ever been accused of being too competitive? That's probably a stupid question if you're reading this devotion. The likely answer is yes. Me, too. In fact, that happened to me recently when I revealed a lofty goal I had regarding marathon competition and my next attempt at a PR. Shortly after I mentioned the plan, I heard several Christian friends saying that I was just out for my own glory and not that of God. They didn't ask me about the venture, but whatever I had said had led them to draw the conclusion that I was out for personal gain.

  • #9 - StVRP - Jim Tressel, Lee Humphrey and J.C. Watts

    October 27, 2007


    Guests include Ohio State Head Football Coach Jim Tressel, former University of Florida Guard Lee Humphrey and former Congressman J.C. Watts.

  • Injury - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    1 – The recent injuries we have experienced serve to remind us of a very important truth.

  • Heart for Teammates - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Heart for Teammates

    1 – To have the Heart of a Champion one must have:
    • A heart for competition
    • A heart for training
    • A heart for teammates

    2 – Today we will talk about having a heart for teammates.

    3 – John 15:12-13 (read the text)
    • Jesus’ command was for these men to love each other. They did it.
    • Jesus defined the greatest kind of love – to give one’s life for his friends.
    o He did that literally. He died for them and for us.

  • Comparisons - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Comparisons

    1 – Do you watch web sites for the weekly team power rankings?
    • Do you pay attention to the state or national rankings of teams in our sport?
    • Do you read the paper to see who beat whom?
    • Do you make comparisons between teams and players?
    • Sometimes, such comparisons could be misleading and lead you to a poor performance and with it a disappointing loss.

  • Breakthrough - Chapel

    October 27, 2007


    Chapel – Breakthrough

    1 – Games with this opponent have been ones where our team has made breakthroughs over the last few years. What will it be today?
    • Breakthrough victory story 1 – Commitment to teammates
    • Breakthrough victory story 2 – Commitment to winning
    • Breakthrough victory story 3 – Commitment to being champions
    • What will it be this year? Our breakthrough will be determined by our commitments.

  • Vision - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Your coaching staff and your senior leaders have a vision for your team.  To be champions is a vision worth believing in and pursuing.

    2 – Habakkuk 2:2-3 (read the text)

  • Unified - Chapel

    October 25, 2007


    1 – Introduction – If we will compete in a unified way today, we will do very well.

    2 – Take encouragement from this story in Genesis chapter 11.  Read the text – Genesis 11:1-8. 

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