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  • Heart Check

    June 22, 2013


    Here’s a heart check—do we do what pleases our coaches all the time or only when they are watching? Do we do the right thing just to win their favor or because it’s right? In Ephesians 6:6, Paul was rather direct with the people of Ephesus about their work ethic.

    I often watch teams closely during practice and as they warm up prior to competitions. I see players who give a great effort when the coach is watching, but as soon as the coach’s head is turned, some of those players immediately start cutting corners and cheating on drills. Their hearts are not fully with their coaches or their teammates. They fail the heart check.

  • Give Me Credit

    June 21, 2013


    Everybody wants the glory. Why shouldn’t we? It feels good to have someone say we played a good game. It feels good when someone compliments our athleticism or coaching skills. It feels good to hear our name over the loud speaker after a good play. The problem is, we didn’t do anything to deserve it.

    Paul told the church at Corinth that they didn’t have anything they didn’t receive. That means they didn’t have anything at all that God did not give to them. Most of our society today has forgotten this.

  • Do You Have It?

    June 20, 2013


    When I commit to the TeamFCA Competitor's Creed, I realize that "I am made to strive, to strain, to stretch and to succeed in the arena of competition." That is a bold and intentional statement. But I think all competitors truly understand what it takes to strive, to strain, to stretch and to succeed. We must stay hungry to grow and to learn in our sports. That hunger to know the game allows us to compete at new levels. In order to be a hungry competitor we must look at the physical, the mental and the spiritual. A well-balanced athlete or coach knows that it is critical to balance all three areas.

  • What Are You Looking At?

    June 19, 2013


    I was fortunate to be one of the best high jumpers in the world for many years. My best jump of 7’ 10.5” still ranks as one of the top four of all time. Jumping at a bar that high almost seems impossible when looking at it with our natural eye. In fact, most people won’t even attempt to jump because they are intimidated by its height. But for world-class jumpers, we’re never intimidated because we look through a different set of eyes. We often focus on a point high above the bar to guide us in the right direction. At times, we don’t even see the bar because our eyes are set on something much higher.

  • The Easy Choice

    June 18, 2013


    Susie and Sally were twins. Both were great athletes, both went to church, and both had a choice to make. After a game, the girls went to a party where “everyone” was there. The party got pretty crazy, and throughout the night Susie and Sally were offered many things.

  • Get Fit

    June 17, 2013


    As an athlete the goal is to get in the best possible shape. Many athletes will cross train by running, biking, swimming, and other training programs to stay fit.

    I am sure the apostle Paul knew what it took to be in shape. He did not just hop into his Hummer and take off on his missionary journeys. He hoofed it to get from place to place. I don’t doubt that he was in pretty good condition. He wrote often about athletes and staying fit, understanding the need for spiritual fitness. Paul knew in order to battle his spiritual opponents, he had to be in the best spiritual shape possible. He studied God’s Word, prayed without ceasing, and fellowshipped with countless believers. He knew spiritual fitness would draw him closer to his heavenly goal.

  • Renewal

    June 16, 2013


    When do we feel like our bodies are wasting away and our strength is drying up? Maybe it’s at the end of practice, halfway through preseason, or with one week to go in a long difficult season. How can we have our hearts renewed and find the strength to press through such feelings? Second Corinthians 4:16 gives us such encouragement. Paul was aware of his friends’ perilous times and the physical toll it was taking on them. He identified with their plight.

    It’s the nature of competition and long seasons to wear down our bodies. We can identify with these people and the outward wasting away of their bodies. The wisest among us also know how to be inwardly strengthened, day by day, in our hearts.

  • The Playbook

    June 15, 2013

    Major college and professional coaches are faced with intense pressure to win. What makes it even harder is when a coach is asked to replace a legend. Just ask Frank Solich who replaced Tom Osborne at Nebraska, or Jimmy Johnson who took over for Don Shula with the Dolphins. Neither man lasted more than six years after taking over for legendary coaches.
    Joshua new a little bit about replacing a legend. Moses had led the nation of Israel out of Egypt, given them the 10 commandments from God, and crossed the Sinai desert only to hand leadership over to Joshua right before entering the Promised Land. Joshua had a tough task ahead of him replacing a great "coach."

  • Jump

    June 14, 2013

    Last night, when my two year old stood on his bed in a playful mood, I encouraged him to jump to me; but did not put my hands out . . . yet. His face went from joy to fear as he looked at the elements. The bed was high—the floor was low.
    As an athlete, we can be filled with indecision at times. We want to step up to help the team, but fear and doubt hold us back. In basketball, a coach will put a player on the floor to shoot, but if he or she hesitates, the opportunity passes away. Why do we fear and doubt when the coach has confidence we can do the job?

  • Webb Simpson

    June 13, 2013

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