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  • Tamika Catchings

    June 01, 2007


  • New Perspective

    May 23, 2007

    Recently, while preparing for a Sunday School class, I was reading a lesson on Jesus calling the tax collector into service. I was reminded of my high school baseball days. I remembered those games when we were tied 0-0 into the later innings and then the opposing team would score a run. As we ran into the dugout after the third out my coach would say, "That's alright. We had to score one to win, anyway." In a situation which many people would lose heart, our coach would offer us a different perspective to give us hope.
    Let me say this: sin has a purpose.

  • More than Mechanics

    May 22, 2007

    The apostle Paul often used athletics to illustrate that, as Christians, we are all athletes. We are to be players, not simply spectators, in the game of life (1 Corinthians 9:24-27). And no matter what your athletic ability, your height or your age, God wants you in the game!
    Let's do some sports trivia. Can you name the following athlete?
    Clue 1: He was the first athlete to play professionally in two sports during the same year (football and basketball).
    Clue 2: In his 10 seasons with the Cleveland Browns, they won 94 games, lost only 15 and tied 3.
    Clue 3: Altogether, the Brownies won 10-straight division titles while he was quarterback.
    Clue 4: He threw for 19,771 yards and 148 touchdowns.

  • Don't Defeat Yourselves

    May 21, 2007

    The Rebels and the Whales met in the second round winners' bracket of a double elimination softball tournament. In the bottom of the first inning the Whales had runners on first and third with two outs. The batter hit a shot deep into right centerfield that was sure to score two runs and give the Whales a two-run lead. However, the runner on first left too early and was called out. In the bottom of second inning with two outs and the bases loaded, a Whales player lined a seed into the left centerfield gap, which would have scored at least two runs, but the batter was called out for stepping on home plate. In the top of the third, a close call went the way of the Rebels, turning what could have been the third out into a six-run, two-out rally for the Rebels.

  • Rewards - Chapel

    May 15, 2007


    1 – Today we will discuss ironic nature of rewards in sport.

    • The rewards are the same for the freshman playing his first season as for the senior playing his last season.
    • The rewards for the first year coach are the same as for the twenty year veteran of coaching.
    • At the end of the game or the end of the season, the rewards are the same.

    2 – Jesus told a story about this in Matthew 20:1-16 (read the text aloud).

  • Personal Fouls - Chapel

    May 15, 2007

    9/8/07 South Carolina vs. Georgia – 2 flags in opening quarter = 30 yds.
    They seem to frequent the field in high school, college, professional sports.  They can come from many things – late hits, illegal blocks, and even words.  And when an official has seen enough he will usually throw the flag…
    But how about beyond the field to our lives, is it really important what we say?

    James 1:26 – If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is useless..
    James 3:5/12 – The Tongue

  • Perseverance - Chapel

    May 15, 2007

    1 – Here we are at game number ___ of our season.
    • Let’s take a look back at our season so far.
    • We’ve competed at …(tough opponent)
    • We’ve endured a… (hard situation)
    • We’ve won a hard fought battle with ….

  • Mouthguards

    May 15, 2007

    In football it's important to wear a mouthguard. This protects a player's mouth from injury. Those who don't wear mouthguards sometimes end up with missing teeth!
    In life, some of us need to wear "heavenly mouthguards" to guard our words. The unkind words we say can hurt others. God is not pleased when His children say things that hurt or anger others. The Bible says that the tongue is like a wild animal that cannot be tamed by man (James 3). Only God can tame our tongues. We need His help. If we ask Him, He will help us to honor and bless others with the words we say. When we are angry, God can help us to not say damaging or unwholesome words. He also can guard our mouths when we are tempted to say untrue things about others.

  • Love in Action

    May 11, 2007

    Famous actor and director Peter Ustinov once said, "Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
    As athletes and coaches in today's athletic scene, we have a love and passion for sports. That love drives us to try to become the best we can possibly be. And, as Christians, that means that we demonstrate love to our teammates, coaches, officials and even opposing players.

  • Scholarship: Life or Death

    May 10, 2007

    University of Memphis track athlete Cassandra Harding didn't give a second thought to signing a document stating she could lose her scholarship if she became pregnant because, "I wasn't going to get pregnant." But she did. When asked what role the fear of losing a scholarship played in a decision to have an abortion or not, another female athlete said, "On a scale from 1 to 10, it was like a 9. It had a big, big part in my decision; because that's the first thing I thought about, I'm losing my scholarship."

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