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  • God’s Game Plan

    April 25, 2010


    Coaches work hard to get the job done for their programs, but the head coach spends even more time in preparation for his or her meetings. It’s not just the season preparations that need to be done, but also pre-season, postseason, and summer workouts to consider. The head coach must think of everyone in the program and blend every person together for the success of the next year.

  • The Ultimate Goal

    April 24, 2010


    Coaches challenge players to set goals, both for themselves and for the team. One way to reinforce this practice is by maintaining a written journal or list of expectations. The great Apostle Paul had goals, too, one of which appears in his letter to the church at Philippi. Paul’s goal was to know Jesus more. If we made Paul’s goal one for ourselves and our players, what would be the result? Would the daily challenges of our jobs, the pains of failed relationships, or the sorrows of daily tragedies seem as unendurable if we knew “the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings”?

  • “Go, Go, Get ’em, Get ’em, Fight, Fight, Win!”

    April 23, 2010


    While growing up playing many types of sports, with a variety of coaches, there were many chants cheered. However, one that sticks out in my mind is “Go, Go, Get ’em, Get ’em, Fight, Fight, Win!” This cheer was a common saying from my high school basketball coach. We would break every huddle with our hands held high saying this simple, yet meaningful, chant. These words would help us persevere throughout the entire game.

  • Every Coach Should Know

    April 22, 2010


    Glen is a high school football coach. He's not much different than other coaches. He's driven, tough, motivated and strong-willed. However, like many coaches, Glen developed two different lifestyles: a good coaching lifestyle and that of a struggling alcoholic. As these two lifestyles ran their courses, they eventually came crashing together. He continued to coach, but the drinking took its toll. Several DWIs mounted up, and eventually the alcoholism caused more issues. Glen came to the end of his rope.

  • Getting Held Up?

    April 22, 2010


    Just prior to pregame warmups during my rookie season with the Kansas City Chiefs, one of the officials introduced himself to me as the father of a friend of mine. After a brief chat, he suggested I let him know if I was having any trouble in the game. Not thinking too much of his comment, I thanked him and joined my teammates for drills.

  • Waiting: What is it good for?

    April 20, 2010


    Jason is a good coach. He coached with me as one of my assistants in Oklahoma. I always knew he had a good basketball mind and that it was just a matter of time before he became a head coach. Strongly desiring a head position himself, Jason waited and waited. He took several positions to teach and coach, but yet was never named a head coach. Other friends around him were getting head coaching jobs, but not him. So, he waited.

  • Jason Avant Lifted Up on Eagles' Wings

    April 19, 2010

    Jason Avant Lifted Up on Eagles' Wings
    Jason Avant knows a thing or two about conversions.
    Last year, the Philadelphia Eagle wide receiver set a career high in receptions (41), averaging over 14 yards per catch. Nearly two-thirds of those catches went for a first down.
    During his four year career, the Chicago native and ex-Michigan Wolverine has caught 37 balls on third down. A remarkable 32 of them- 87%- were converted into first downs.
    Avant does not have the cartoonish speed of teammate DeSean Jackson (then again, does anybody?). Nor does he have a 255 pound frame like Eagle tight end Brent Celek.
    Instead, Avant is gifted with the great hands, smarts and toughness needed to play slot

  • The Future Lies in the Past

    April 17, 2010


    History always repeats itself because man fails to learn from his failures. Therefore, we do well to remember historical events such as the Holocaust, the Civil War, and the Israelites’ forty-year wilderness wandering. The Bible tells us why the world is like it is: sin. The Bible has much to say about the blessings that come as a result of obeying and the curses, or consequences, that occur as a result of sin. We find these truths from Genesis to Revelation. God certainly forgives the sin of those who belong to Him through Jesus Christ; however, there are still consequences to be faced. Are God’s people today settling down comfortably in the society in which we live, casting out our distinctive Christian focus?

  • God’s Playbook

    April 16, 2010


    One of the common elements in all levels of football, from the peewees to the pros, is the playbook. It contains the game plan each team uses to overcome its opponent. Without the playbook, teams and players would be in a state of confusion, not knowing what to do or where to go. On the other hand, no matter how good the playbook is, it’s absolutely useless if the players don’t study it and apply it on the field.

  • Running Free

    April 16, 2010

    I used to hate running. Yet, somehow, I would always find myself in a race—a race against time, a race against myself. I’d be running from truth, running from pain, and of course, physically running. I’d pound my feet into the ground, my steps like the beat of a drum to a song too fast, too loud and too chaotic for me to understand.

    God’s given me a love for running now. Nothing crazy like it was before, but every time I go on a run now God comes through for me. I learn the most from Him when I’m outside enjoying His presence as I run.

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