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  • #79 - StVRP - Mike Jarvis, Hubert Davis, Jose Alvarez & Les Steckel

    February 28, 2009


    Florida Atlantic head basketball coach Mike Jarvis, ESPN college basketball analyst Hubert Davis, former Major League pitcher and current FCA Golf staff member Jose Alvarez & FCA President Les Steckel

  • Broken Window Theory

    February 27, 2009


    Can a little clutter destroy your health! The answer might surprise you!

  • Reckless Words

    February 26, 2009


    Are the words you’re speaking bringing life or death?

  • Portion Control

    February 25, 2009


    Are you eating for 2? Get your portions under control!

  • You Feed Them

    February 24, 2009


    Do you ever wake up and feel like God has a word for you that day? Well, today was one of those days for me. God revealed it to me in my quiet time. And, if that wasn’t enough, the devotion that my son and I read together was about the same passage and same thing. OK, OK. I get the message loud and clear.

    The message was from Matthew 14. I was struck by the passage in which the disciples, obviously tired of the crowds of people that constantly surrounded them, told Jesus to send the people home and that they (the disciples) would go find food for themselves and Jesus. But Jesus had another answer for them that moment.

  • Pearls

    February 24, 2009


    Jesus continually explained how His Father lavishes love on us! Even though I understand grace, my first impulse is to try to buy my way to heaven. At first glance, I treat the parable of the pearl like I was taught to treat life—to be self-sufficient. In the world of sports, we’re taught that if we have a dream to play for a certain team or run a certain distance, we should set a goal and go for it. We should sell out. So I equate my goal setting to my spiritual life and sell out for God. But if I am brutally honest, I have to admit I don’t have much to sell! I fail too often; I can’t really afford the pearl. We will never be able to afford the pearl. Fortunately, God’s economy is different than ours.

  • Get Some ZZZ’s - 2

    February 24, 2009


    Not enough hours in the day to get it all done? Sacrificing your sleep will make matters worse!

  • Get Some ZZZ’s

    February 23, 2009


    Getting enough sleep will improve your attitude, your health, and energize your life!

  • Ritchie McKay with Ron Brown

    February 21, 2009


    Liberty University head basketball coach Ritchie McKay talks about what it’s like to coach at Liberty and encourages other coaches to be bold in God for what they need.

  • #78 - StVRP - Ritchie McKay, Jimmy Page, Doug Reese & Les Steckel

    February 21, 2009


    Liberty University head basketball coach Ritchie McKay, FCA Health and Fitness director Jimmy Page, Concordia Unversity Nebraska head wrestling coach Doug Reese and FCA President Les Steckel.

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