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  • The Two Best Things—Revisited

    March 07, 2008


    While I sat by my computer on Wednesday, the FCA Daily Impact Play popped up. Every once in awhile FCA will rerun a devotion from the past if it still relates to the present. To my surprise, a devotion I had written two years ago resurfaced. And as I read what I had written, I immediately started to weep.

  • #27 - StVRP - Phil Dawson, Marty Everding and Troy Vermillion

    March 01, 2008


    Cleveland Browns kicker Phil Dawson, former assistant soccer coach at the University of Nebraska Marty Everding, indoor football player Troy Vermillion and FCA President Les Steckel

  • Running in the Faith

    February 29, 2008


    “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
    -Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

  • The Next Level

    February 26, 2008


    Ok, so you’re an athlete. You’ve probably read or heard this verse before. But when was the last time you stopped and thought about it? What was Paul trying to say? Is the athlete the metaphor, or how the athlete trains? My take on this passage is that every Christian is an athlete; so, that leaves the training in this verse to be the focus. 

  • #26 - StVRP - Ritchie McKay, Ron Lievense and Mike Jarvis

    February 23, 2008


    Liberty University head basketball coach Ritchie McKay, Barton College head basketball coach Ron Lievense, college basketball commentator Mike Jarvis, FCA President Les Steckel

  • Best Verses Best

    February 20, 2008


    Often times, a victory might be determined by the game within the game. Can our left tackle keep their defensive end off of our quarterback? Can our closer strike out their best hitter? Can our off-guard shut down their "go-to" guy?

    We spend a lot of time in practice doing individual drills and one-on-one drills. In our one-on-ones we want to go "best-versus-best"; we don't want one of our starters going against a second-string player because he is not challenged as much. He does not improve from the situation.

    When we go best-versus-best, we quickly find a player’s weaknesses--the flaws in his technique--so that we can correct them. We also see who is going to rise to the top, whom we can depend upon when the game is on the line.

  • #25 - StVRP - Lorenzo Romar, Derek Fisher and Ken Hutcherson

    February 16, 2008


    University of Washington men’s basketball coach Lorenzo Romar, Los Angeles Laker Derek Fisher, former NFL player Ken Hutcherson and FCA President Les Steckel

  • The Light Is Always Flashing

    February 14, 2008


    Across from the headquarters of FCA, atop a hill, is a tall communications tower. In the almost three years that I’ve worked here, I’ve glanced at this tower hundreds of times and never given it a second look. But yesterday morning I caught myself daydreaming. It was in this daydream that God taught me a beautiful lesson--one He’s been teaching me over and over again for the last several weeks.

    At the top of this tower is a flashing light. It guides air traffic and prevents aircrafts from flying into it. No matter the time, day or season, this light continues to flash, and communication continues to be broadcast.

  • God Gave You a Spare

    February 12, 2008


    As coaches, we have a rule on our hockey team. If you get hurt during play, you must do your utmost to stay involved in the play or get yourself to the bench. We expect this not because we are hard-nosed or don’t care about the well-being of our players, but because we expect our athletes to persevere and work through adversity.

  • The Needs of the Team

    February 11, 2008


    It’s been a while since I was in high school, but I still vividly recall one day during my junior year. It was the day my coach called me into his office and told me he was moving me from fullback to tackle. As a sophomore, I had weighed 200 pounds and was pretty fast. I gained 35 pounds over the summer and was a little slower at that weight. The coach told me I was too good of a player to sit on the bench, but that I was now too slow to be a running back. He asked me to make a personal sacrifice and move to a new position on the line so that I could help the team have a chance at the conference title.

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