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  • Integrity

    July 01, 2009


    Most know the story of Job and how he lost all of his children, property, and possessions. What was he like
    before he lost it all? He was blameless, had complete integrity, feared God, and stayed away from evil. I believe that athletes and coaches often live dual lives—one way on the field and another off the field. We justify it saying they are two different areas of our lives that shouldn’t cross over. Job wasn’t like that. Job was blameless. No one could accuse him of wrongdoing. If he did wrong someone, he kept a short account and asked forgiveness.

  • Photos

    July 01, 2009


    We have a variety of photo libraries available for your browsing. All photos are copyrighted by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and may not be used without permission from FCA staff.

    Feel free to browse the libraries below.

  • Keep the Pace

    July 01, 2009


    A few weeks ago my family travelled to San Francisco to support my dad in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. The athletes actually swam 1.5 miles from Alcatraz Island to the shore, completed an 18-mile bike ride and then finished with an 8-mile run.

  • Eat what you CRAVE…Again!

    June 30, 2009


    So should we really give in and eat the things we crave? Or is there a better way?

  • The Lord’s Army

    June 30, 2009


    I was getting ready this morning, minding my own business when I heard a proclamation from outside my house. It was loud. It was proud. It was my 4-year-old son singing at the top of his voice, “I’m in the Lord’s Army. Yes, sir!” He was sitting with his light saber in hand singing his praise to the General of the Heavenly Host. When we play sports, we go into battle. Sides are drawn, boundaries set, and the battle begins. No matter what the sport, we choose whom we will compete for and against. It is no different in our walk with Christ. Every day we battle against evil. We are in a war for our souls. God wants us to choose a side.

  • Discovering God's Will

    June 29, 2009


    So many people are trying to discover God's will for their lives. Many question or wonder if they are missing what God has for them.  My purpose for writing this is to try to offer some help for those who are looking for answers as to the direction for their lives.  Here are a few key things to consider. These should be considered collectively as opposed to concentrating on one point as proof that God is or is not leading you to do something.


  • EAT what you CRAVE!

    June 29, 2009


    Is it good to respond to your cravings? Hmmm.

  • #96 - StVRP - Brian Roberts, Tim Johnson, Joe White & Les Steckel

    June 27, 2009


    Baltimore Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts, FCA Midwest Regional Director Tim Johnson, Kanukuk Kamps President Joe White & FCA President Les Steckel

  • Resignation

    June 26, 2009

    Over the last few weeks I have walked through some of the darkest days of a friend’s career in sport. She had never failed at anything, but the last two seasons of her coaching career had been a constant nightmare.

    My friend’s coaching staff had disintegrated, several key players had left the program and still others had been actively seeking her dismissal. All these factors led to great frustration and more than a little discouragement.

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