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  • Ernie Johnson with Ron Brown

    May 30, 2009


    TNT Sports broadcaster Ernie Johnson talks about he came to faith in Christ at age 41 and how the Lord has helped him in his battle with cancer.

  • Don't Get Caught Unprepared

    May 29, 2009

    It was the 4X400 meter relay, and the team was ready to take on its opponents. The official gave instructions, and the relay teams got ready to race. When the they were ready, the official began to call out the commands: "Runners to your mark. . . Set. . . " BANG! Off went the gun, and so did the runners, running steadily and increasing their speed.
    As it came to the first handoff, everybody in the crowd was eagerly watching as the crucial part of the race went off successfully. But one handoff didn't; a baton was dropped. The runner had not been properly prepared to receive the baton from his teammate.

  • Are You FAT?

    May 28, 2009


    I was approached the other day and asked if I was fat. Well, as a former athlete and coach who has put on a few since his glory days, I was taken aback. “I may be fat, but you’re ugly,” I kidded him. He laughed and responded, “Not that kind of fat!” I was interested to see how he would get out of this one.

    He told me that the “FAT” he was referring to stood for faithful, available, and teachable. He told me that we need FAT people in ministry. What a great thought! We certainly do need FAT people in every area of life. Athletes need to be FAT. Coaches need to be FAT. Pastors need to be FAT. The list goes on. We must each ask ourselves if we are FAT.

  • Ambition

    May 28, 2009

    Ambition is a word which evokes strong reactions from people. Some see it as a powerful tool for accomplishment while others see it as a terrible vice to be avoided at any cost.

    Which are you? Does ambition seem to be an insidious evil or a genuine virtue to be developed? The real issue may be toward what ends is the ambition aimed? Are we ambitious for selfish gain or for the good of others? Are we ambitious toward superficial fame or lasting significance?

  • All Things

    May 28, 2009


    This summer, many coaches and athletes will come to know Christ through the camp ministry of FCA. Every year, there is a new theme for FCA Camp, and this year it is “GET FOCUSED.” As coaches and athletes we often prepare for competition by getting focused in different ways. We may read Scripture, listen to music, talk to ourselves or do other pre-game rituals.

  • I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N

    May 27, 2009


    Tuesday is always trash day. And on some Tuesdays, there seems to be very little good about the morning. Daily tasks often can become mundane, but not this one. Every Tuesday morning I am the member of the family who deposits the trash into the proper container. This morning, as I sat back at the table lamenting the fact that I had to take the trash out to the curb, I heard a song resonating from an upstairs bedroom. “I am C. I am C-H. I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N.” It was coming from my 7-year-old, who was joyfully ringing in the day.

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